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-7- <br /> He had participated. in the Planning Commission .discussions but, Mr. <br /> Zinner said, had not been aware of the previous hearings . He never- <br /> the less had concluded.. that the City "is expanding its ordinance <br /> restrictions -to other areas of business than those which had pre- <br /> cipitated the initial concerns , because. the July 27th minutes would <br /> seem to indicate the majority of concern was related to the Fun Center <br /> which is not in .Apache The Apache position is that, .although they <br /> are places where people congregate , there is- no basis in fact for <br /> applying .the findings of the hours of. operation ordinance to the <br /> operation of restaurants , cafeterias or delicatessens and .these <br /> facilities should be left .as Permitted Uses where the owners could <br /> continue to scrutinize their economic viability and make -decisions as <br /> to whether they would .fit into their commercial area. <br /> Although the attorney- believes the new hours of operation restrictions <br /> were also unwarranted for the other. types of businesses named in the <br /> ordinance -if they: were to become Conditional Uses , - he perceives the <br /> Apache management .could live with those restrictions as long as <br /> restaurants , delicatessens and cafeterias were deleted from that <br /> ordinance _and .not changed to Conditional Uses in the second ordinance. <br /> Mr. Zinner sees no problem with the beer license ordinance , as proposed. <br /> Ardrienne Johnson, 3109 Stinson Boulevard, thanked the City officials <br /> for "accurately interpreting -the..wishes of the residents" , but <br /> objected to the reference to whether those desires were "fair or <br /> unfair" . <br /> Mayor Sundland speculated that- the fact .that .the City ordinance was <br /> written a long time ago; and that St. Anthony has always been a "bedroom <br /> community" where_ everything closed down at -midnight, probably accounted <br /> for the existing ordinance having no provisions for regulating places <br /> where people congregate."late at night. He is also convinced the, <br /> ordinance ..- changes would reflect the wishes of the community since <br /> the largest number of complaints logged by the police department <br /> over the years have been related to late night disturbances such as <br /> loud parties or .screeching tires . The Playor also reminded those <br /> present .that it doesn ' t take long- to. get from .the commercial areas <br /> in St. Anthony right into the middle of the -residential neighborhoods . <br /> /Kay Stowell, 2314 Wilson Street .N.E. , asked whether an existing beer <br /> license would .be reissued to someone else if. the . facility which had <br /> the. license went- out of business .. The Mayor said the proposed <br /> ordinance dictates such ' a license .could be reissued only for a <br /> restaurant which seated 50 customers and where the serving of food is <br /> the overriding activity. Fie perceives the ultimate goal of the Council <br /> is to..hold the .number. of beer licenses to- the number which are out <br /> in the City at present. Mr. Soth said he had followed the recom- <br /> mendation of the Planning Commission to model the beer ordinance after <br /> the City ' ordinance. <br /> Mrs . MAkowske .perceived Por. Gehan's. reference to "emotionally wrought <br /> residents" might have been directed to. comments made by women partici- <br /> pants in the discussions who, "based our opposition to a business like <br /> • Chick 's coming- into -the community on what we have learned from _ <br /> experience over the years" .. She also believes there was a basis for <br />