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-8- <br /> some of their concerns about the welfare of the community should this <br /> • facility be permitted to operate as proposed. Mr. Gehan apologized <br /> for "that perceived reflection" . <br /> Councilman Marks told Mr. Gehan his years on the Planning Commission <br /> had taught him there is a need . for periodically reviewing existing <br /> ordinances . He recalled the time when the Commission -had recommended <br /> approval of a variance for .a sign which the Commission believed met <br /> all the criteria .for such signage' as .to height, etc. , only to have the <br /> sign built on top of a berm and .to have another sign erected in a <br /> similar manner before the sign ordinance could be rewritten to address <br /> this omission.- The fact that the City has had no track record or <br /> experience with a business like Chick 's might. have accounted for the <br /> outcry from the public-, but he cannot .perceive damage to his client <br /> from applying community standards as a valid tool for implementing an <br /> ordinance, Councilman Marks told Mr. Gehan. He also said, although <br /> ,he appreciated the Counsel.'s comments related to "fairness" , and the <br /> attorney 's insistence that Mr. -Springfield's application had been <br /> written "in good faith" , he- believes the attorney should also realize <br /> the Council had not been perceptive enough to read, "continuously" as <br /> meaning "24 hours a day" . <br /> The Councilman then stated he believes "it might .be stretching the <br /> point a bit, and perhaps , might even be unfair, to call restaurants <br /> "recreational establishments" . As to beer licenses , Councilman Marks <br /> would like to see fewer in existence in the City than are out now <br /> and said he has always opposed permitting the consumption of beer <br /> • in the City parks and perceives the City 's stand on limiting such <br /> licenses is no different than Minneapolis ' where there are liquor <br /> patrol limits . His own opposition he believes is supported .by studies <br /> which show liquor drives the cost of these types of properties <br /> artificially higher. <br /> Councilman Ranallo defended the inclusion of restaurants in the hours <br /> restrictions and asked Councilman Marks .how he would like a 24 hour <br /> restaurant across the street from' his own home. He said even though <br /> St. Anthony has no eating- places which. remain .open all night at <br /> present, he is certain. the neighbors. near the Hobo would be very <br /> unhappy if the owner were to decide he could make more profits by <br /> staying open 24 hours a day. He believes the City has a right to <br /> tighten up . the ordinance to avert such problems in the future. <br /> The Councilman indicated he .wanted beer licenses frozen at their <br /> existing levels and would like to see no such licenses.. the ultimate <br /> goal. He reported Mark Kozlak whose family has been in the restaurant <br /> business for years , . recommends _the City look at its ordinances now <br /> "before we are in more trouble than we are right now" . <br /> Pyr. Jones reported he had suggested during the Commission hearing that <br /> there might be some merit in writing- the ordinance in such a manner <br /> as to leave open -the opportunity for. a Perkins-like . restaurant to go <br /> into .Apache-, but, this idea was opposed by most of the other Commission <br /> • members who believe , even with the most acceptable restaurant, an <br /> unacceptable level of noise and traffic would be generated, if it <br /> stayed open late at night. The Mayor agreed that the prevailing <br />