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-5- <br /> represented only 23% of possible subscribers and, Mr. Kaeding indicated, that <br /> number had at one time been as h.igh as 27%, with 4% attrition since cable was first <br /> • sold in the community. <br /> The Cable Commissioner explored reasons he perceived the cable company was not <br /> making money in addition to a half-hearted membership drive. He said, because <br /> staff is not being paid well enough, it had. been hard to retain good people in <br /> management. Plant maintenance had become a problem, Mr. Kaeding. indicated, with <br /> weather and general- failure of sophisticated pieces of equipment. However, with the <br /> hiring of a new manager with some innovative ideas, the Commissioner indicated the <br /> cable company now hoped to undertake a more successful marketing effort; which <br /> had not happened yet, since only 13 new City subscribers had come on line since <br /> the new marketing effort was begun. <br /> Although Group W is for sale, Mr. Kaeding indicated he would not anticipate a sale <br /> very soon. He also said, since the local control of cable services had been <br /> preempted by the federal government, in spite of a concerted effort by the cities, <br /> the ten northern suburbs really had no choice except to passively permit the rate <br /> increase which many believed was unwarranted because of Group W's performance. <br /> Without a strong rate control , the Commissioner told the Council , he would <br /> anticipate the rates would continue to rise while penetration falls because he <br /> said he perceived it would be,:mueh less- expensive for the cable company to service <br /> a smaller, more lucrative subscriber base, than a larger .group of subscribers <br /> who are only adding two or three access lines to their outlets. The end result <br /> Mr.. Kaeding indicated he would expect, would be that "cable would become a toy of <br /> the affluent because of the shortsightedness of federal regulation changes" and <br /> public access. would also become that much harder to get for communities. <br /> • Mayor Sundland indicated he agreed with Mr. Kaeding 's assessment that as the rates <br /> increased, the average subscriber would drop off, leaving cable only for those <br /> people who can afford to have it in their. homes without justifying their purchase <br /> if they don't watch it all the time. <br /> Councilmember Ranallo referred to copies of letters he had gotten from residents, <br /> which had also been sent to the cable company, complaining about the weather channel <br /> and protesting Group W's unwillingness to include the Eternal Word Television Net- <br /> work in St. Anthony programming, even though they do provide that network for <br /> Columbia Heights subscribers. Mr. Kaeding said the Commissioners had been unable <br /> to get any satisfactory answer about the discrepancy from the cable representative <br /> but suspected the reason was that because there is no revenue raising potential <br /> in religious programming, the cable company is currently only interested in airing <br /> programs which would permit them to share in advertising revenues . And, he added, <br /> once a channel is provided, it is very difficult to eliminate later. The Com- <br /> missioner agreed the weather channel was not what it had been initially, but said <br /> the commissioners had been unwilling to permit the cable company to use one of the <br /> public access channels for this program, perceiving Group W had plenty of its own <br /> channels on which to provide the service demanded by the market. <br /> The cable company would really like to get rid of the universal service, which few <br /> realize is still available, according to Mr. Kaeding, who indicated the scenario <br /> he expected to be followed would be a continuation of higher rates for fewer sub- <br /> scribers to the point where Group W could reduce its overhead costs and collect <br /> revenues large enough to maintain business if the system is not sold. However,:'he <br /> • added, he would no longer anticipate the type of community service and general-access <br /> people were hoping would be provided, would be possible under such a system. <br />