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CC MINUTES 12171985
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 12171985
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CC MINUTES 12171985
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-6- <br /> The cable commissioner said some cable companies are turning over the money dedicated <br /> towards the management of the public access channels to public access corporations <br /> and many are seeking legal solution under which they would not have to provide <br /> public access at all . This, according to Mr, Kaeding, would result in the loss of <br /> a valuable tool for the community, especially when it came to access for the fast <br /> growing older sector who in some communities have become the most active public <br /> access participants. <br /> The Mayor said he understood how profit had to be the bottom line for Group W but <br /> as a communications worker himself, he speculated some of the reasons for not having <br /> service put into a home could be the poor installations provided by the cable <br /> company. Mr. Kaeding told him one of the few benefits he had derived from his <br /> five years of service on the cable commission had been that at least he had an <br /> excellent installation on his own home. He was thanked for keeping the Council <br /> informed regarding the latest cable developments. <br /> In reference to the comment in the December 9th staff notes that "plowing went well <br /> during the recent snowfall ", Commissioner Ranallo indicated he had received more <br /> complaints about such service after this snowfall than he had in the last eight <br /> years. Councilmember Makowske said she had also received a number of calls indica- <br /> ting "the level of plowing was just not up to what we have come to expect" . <br /> Mr. Childs said he perceived the staff notes comment should have included the <br /> phrase "all things considered", because the crews had experienced equipment failure <br /> on two of the plows and since two of the most skilled Public Works employees had <br /> retired last year and their replacements were training on the job. <br /> • Councilmember Ranallo speculated that, as Councilmember Makowske had observed, "the <br /> community is so accustomed to such high quality service from the Public Works <br /> Department, that when there is even the slightest deviation, it is noticed right <br /> away" . Councilmember Makowske said the plows had obviously been out all night <br /> because when her husband took -his children to get their papers for delivering, he <br /> had been able to get right through, and the crews must have been working all Sunday <br /> night, because, as Mr. Childs had indicated, the roads filled in as fast as they <br /> were plowed that night. Councilmember Marks indicated the complaints he had <br /> received had related to the need to sand icy hills in his area. <br /> Stuart Bonniwell , CPA, - 3025 East 50th Street, Minneapolis, .who .had previously been <br /> associated with the Adrian Helgeson Company, was present to discuss his bid to do <br /> the City's audit now that he had gone on his own. In his December 13th memorandum, <br /> the Manager had indicated the quotes from the Helgeson firm and Mr. Bonniwell had <br /> been similar, but staff was recommending Mr. Bonniwell 's be accepted because he <br /> had promised to complete the audit in April , much sooner than the Helgeson firm <br /> had been doing, which had caused problems for the City in the past. Mr. Childs <br /> had also informed the Council that the Helgeson firm would not be opposing the <br /> transfer of the City's audit since Mr. Bonniwell had brought the account with him <br /> when he had moved from the George Hansen firm. <br /> The .Finance_Director:and J.Mr.-. Bonn: well answered questions pErta ning to_ tne change;. <br /> The CPA said he had been the primary auditor on the City's account with Helgeson <br /> and would be operating by himself in the new firm at first. As an addition to his <br /> _quote, Mr. Bonniwell said he would prepare the legal compliance letter now required <br /> • by the State Auditor for the 1985 audit. <br />
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