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CC MINUTES 03251986
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 03251986
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CC MINUTES 03251986
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-11- <br /> traffic on the street and the Mayor explained that speed limits are controlled <br /> by the State of Minnesota and the City's experience with trying to lower the speed <br /> in alleys some time ago had been to have the DOT increase those speeds from 10 to <br /> 20 miles per hour. The Public Works Director said what had happened had been that <br /> the City had applied for a grant to upgrade its traffic signs in the City and during <br /> the discussions with highway representatives, the state had ordered the removal of <br /> the lower speed signs. Mayor Sundland indicated the City also found out that, if . <br /> the state were asked to monitor the speed on a street and it turned out that the <br /> speed on a street posted for 30. miles per hour actually averaged around 40 miles <br /> per hour, that speed could possibly be upgraded by the state to 35. He assured <br /> . Mr. Bredemus that the last thing the City wanted to do was to make the speed any <br /> faster than it is now. <br /> Mr. Campbell agreed with Mr. Bredemus. that there was no way the 'City could "guarantee" <br /> 'no root systems would be gotten. into during construction but, he said, his own <br /> experience with similar projects had been that trees of the size on the Boulevard <br /> and five feet from the existing curb, were rarely. harmed. <br /> Councilmember Enrooth replied to Mr. Bredemus' .statement that he had heard no reason <br /> for the improvement. which indicated the City wanted to upgrade the quality of the <br /> street, by telling him, this street is .the first of a number of street reconstructions <br /> which the Council perceives must be done in the southern portion- of theCity in the <br /> near future, and this -is. the only one. of those which, qualifies for the use of MSA <br /> funds. He said the need for new surfacing is supported by soil borings showing <br /> the roadbed is breaking up and it is obvious that the curbs in that area are almost <br /> disintegrated. <br /> • When Mr. Bredemus asked how the 10% discount for early payback of assessments had <br /> been decided on, Mr. Childs indicated the Council had set that amount based on <br /> prevailing interest .rates.. The Manager said he knew ,the rate was. much higher than <br /> other municipalities were allowing, but. he perteive-d ;the ;CounciI believed it would <br /> be to the benefit of the =City to provide an incentive'=.for early payoffs, perceiving <br /> the City could -invest that money as soon as- i t was, recei ved�.' • . <br /> vthe- homeowner concluded his statements by saying he, ` perceived the $10.50 assessment' <br /> rate was "very reasonable" but 'he was still not convinced the project was needed or <br /> should be done. The Manager responded that he perceived that, just in,'terms of <br /> curbs and gutters, there was a real need and, for that portion of the. project <br /> alone, if MSA funds are not used, the City's policy is to assess property owners <br /> 100% of the cost of curb and gutter replacement in addition to the $10.50 which <br /> all homeowners are assessed when their street surfaces are reconstructed. The curb <br /> and gutters would therefore be provided with no cost to the residents if MSA funds <br /> - are used for the whole project. Councilmember Ranallo supported that statement by <br /> reminding the residents that if the City does the street later, without MSA <br /> funding, it could cost each of them anywhere between $20 and $50 per lineal front <br /> to have the street and curb and gutters replaced. <br /> Chris Drews asked who would have to pay for the sidewalks if the residents are <br /> charged to replace them now and new trees the City plants in the boulevards breaks <br /> them up again. Councilmember Ranallo said the City's policy calls for the homeowner <br /> . being responsible for the sidewalks in front of his own property. Mr. Kausel - <br /> disagreed with that interpretation saying the City should have to repair the sidewalks <br /> • the tree roots in the Boulevard had damaged. <br /> He- was told that was not the way the City Ordinance is written. <br />
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