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-12- <br /> Mr. Knox said he believed the "philosophy" which should be explored was whether this <br /> section of the St. Anthony Boulevard .should go the way of the parkway in Minneapolis <br /> or the end which has a freeway system on each end. He claimed to have more front <br /> footage on the Boulevard than anyone else and said "I 'm willing to cheerfully pay <br /> extra costs in order to preserve the sanctity and the nature of the neighborhood." He <br /> reported he had raised ten children "more than anyone else on the street" on that <br /> Boulevard and indicated at first the traffic had been a threat to them, but "thanks <br /> to the efforts of the City and some of us who lived there, we were able to restrict <br /> the entry coming from the golf course to one car which helped immeasurably". <br /> Mr. Knox said he was personally gratified to see young families moving into the <br /> neighborhood again and to have those parents present that evening voicing their <br /> concerns about their children's safety, which led him to believe that "keeping the <br /> neighborhood safe -for raising kids was far more important than being able to get a <br /> hold of funds to widen the street". <br /> Tim Horan, 2605 St. Anthony;1Boulevard, agreed that widening the street was going <br /> to make it a thoroughfare. He said "T'd like to protect the parkway as much as I <br /> can and am willing to pay extra to do that, or, at least, would like to examine <br /> other funding possibilities". <br /> Dennis Cavanaugh, 2909 St. Anthony Boulevard, agreed that the street should be <br /> retained as a parkway because he had perceived "the parkway in Minneapolis enhanced <br /> the values of the homes on it". He said he believed the assessors had always con- <br /> sidered the Boulevard properties worth more just because the "statement the parkway <br /> made was that it was a calling card for the City". Mr. Cavanaugh "begged" the City <br /> to -restrict the traffic on the Boulevard because he said he perceived its parkway <br /> • design was the reason the quality homes Mr. Kausel had mentioned had been built <br /> there in the first place. The homeowner stated it was his belief that "the St. <br /> Anthony Boulevard was an asset to the City which brought up the values of other <br /> residences, a concept supported by the City's creating a parklike area"*-the end <br /> of the Boulevard where it borders Highway 88, as a "gateway to St. Anthony", which <br /> the planners considered, represented the "ambiance of the Village". Mr. Cavanaugh <br /> said he feared that once that atmosphere starts going, the Boulevard could become <br /> just like it is in front of the golf course where it would be next to impossible to <br /> sell a house because the road is almost impassable. In regard to the extension of <br /> the Boulevard into Minneapolis, Mr. Cavanaugh said he hoped the engineer who had <br /> built that part of the parkway in Minneapolis had been "canned" because the street <br /> surface is already falling apart. He said he knew from a personal conversation with <br /> someone who had first-hand knowledge, that cost saving had been the prime reason for <br /> the poor quality surface and, Mr. Cavanaugh reported, "Minneapolis is now paying <br /> for that foolish. attempt to save money". The Mayor assured him that "the engineer <br /> had also paid". <br /> Mr. Cavanaugh said because the former owner of his home hadn't had the strength to <br /> protect herself, the property had been left with no parking at all on the Boulevard. <br /> At the conclusion of his statement, Mr. Cavanaugh said he would like to see the same <br /> type of lighting along St. Anthony Boulevard in Minneapolis continued into the City's <br /> section of the street, perceiving it would add to the "statement about the street <br /> being a parkway". <br /> Mayor Sundland summed up the direction the Council perceived the St. Anthony Boulevard <br /> • residents were giving them as that they agreed the street surface and curb and gutters <br /> had to be done but the property owners would rather pay for the improvements them- <br /> selves than to use MSA funds, if doing so would require widening the street two feet. <br />