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CC MINUTES 03251986
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 03251986
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CC MINUTES 03251986
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-13- <br /> The Mayor said he had no idea at that time just what the project would cost the <br /> homeowners under those conditions. <br /> Mr. Horan asked if there was any history at all of the state adjusting its width <br /> requirements for MSA funding and was told by Mr. Campbell there are variance <br /> procedures for special cases but "it is a very difficult process and variances are <br /> rarely granted". He explained that the state sets widths according to whether streets <br /> are "local" or "major" traffic collectors and also according to projected traffic <br /> volumes. St. Anthony Boulevard falls into the local collector category with between <br /> 2,000 and 5,000 cars passing each day, and hence a 36 foot width is required. He <br /> assessed the possibility of obtaining a variance in this case to be "very slight" <br /> and indicated the City would have to have some "very hard facts" to support a <br /> variance. Mr. Horan asked if the engineer thought the fact that the Minneapolis <br /> end of the street had a parkway design might support a similar treatment for the <br /> St. Anthony section. Mr. Campbell indicated he wasn't certain the Minneapolis <br /> section was MSA funded. <br /> Mayor Sundland told those present he and the Council had "battled" to get another <br /> street Avenue N.E. _ less than 36 feet wide and hadn't been successful . <br /> However, he said there would be no objections to going through the appeal process <br /> f'or this project, but, the Mayor said, he doubted it could ever be completed in this <br /> year's construction period. What Mayor Sundland expected to happen, he said, was <br /> that the City might go ahead with the project up "on the hill " and try again for <br /> this improvement two years from now. <br /> Mr. Knox indicated he would like to know the alternatives and what the costs to the <br /> homeowners would be and commented if "you fix the road past the golf course, they' ll <br /> • probably build a monument to you": <br /> Mr. Campbell estimated that, without MSA funds, the homeowners might have to pay <br /> between $6 and $7 or even more in addition to the $10.50 for the street surface, to <br /> install new curbs and gutters. The Mayor cautioned against using the estimated <br /> project cost as between $16 and $17 for total property owner assessment as a firm <br /> figure at this point, saying when the project is finally undertaken those costs could <br /> run as high as $20 or $25 or more per lineal foot. <br /> The engineer told Mr. Kausel he perceived there would be no problem moving the fire <br /> hydrants back if the road were widened because it would only be necessary to extend <br /> the lead pipes for their relocation. Councilmember Makowske told the property <br /> owner spokesman there was "only a possibility" that MSA funds could be used for <br /> rebuilding the Boulevard past the golf course. <br /> Mr.. Kausel indicated he believed the City "should -go . ahead with the-curb and <br /> gutter replacement and drainage improvement with costs. paid out of the general tax <br /> fund and not by the property owners". He also said the trees on the Boulevard <br /> belong to the City and, since their roots are uprooting the residents' sidewalks, <br /> costs of repairing them should be paid for the same way. <br /> Mr. Campbell told Mr. Horan he suspected that the City would have to provide the same <br /> 3 foot base for a 5 ton road as would be necessary for a 9 ton design because of the <br /> poor base fill under that street now. <br /> Mayor Sundland indicated the sense of the direction the Council had been given by <br /> 40 the residents was that the City should pursue the appeal procedure with the Depart- <br /> ment of Transportation for a variance to maintain the existing width of St. Anthony _ <br />
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