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-5- <br /> minutes, there are many problems associated with pull tabs as some of the Council <br /> . members and Commissioners can attest to from observing first hand that some people <br /> spend i nor,gi natehy l arge,c, amounts of,�mo.ney i;n that%_/type of activity. <br /> Mrs. Nelson indicated she would be strongly opposed to having this type of operation <br /> in the Village and, especially in her end of town. The resident said she was <br /> "sorry to see the March. of Dimes involved in this kind- of enterprise" and would <br /> be taking that fact into consideration concerni,ng.,future-idonations. <br /> Ms. Salen had previously told the Council of the much needed work Sister Giovanni , <br /> the head of Guadalupe Area Project had done in her own community, but stated <br /> that as "Sister's representative", she was certain "Sister Giovanni would never <br /> want to be associated with any project which was not welcomed, supported, and <br /> accepted by the community which has already supported and spread the word about <br /> her deserving service". The Guadalupe representative concluded her statement <br /> by saying "although the three charities present that evening were all worthwhile <br /> causes and all certainly needed money, the Lord will guide and provide and we <br /> want to be here only with your blessing and not any other way". <br /> Mr. Soth said his understanding of the Minnesota Gambling law was that "the <br /> maximum number of bingo occasions the law allows is two per week for one organization <br /> and, if there are two or more organizations, the maximum for any one location <br /> is four per week" . It would therefore be necessary for the Council to pass <br /> a resolution letting the state know that St. Anthony disapproves of any variances <br /> for occasions beyond two for any one organization or for more occasions than <br /> four for any location, the attorney suggested. <br /> • Mr. Schmidt commented that he had. "been to enough Council meetings to know when <br /> I 'm beat'. However, he suggested the City might also want to let the state <br /> know the City intends to veto any future applications like his own, being careful , <br /> of course, to make an exception for the organizations already conducting bingo <br /> in the City. <br /> The Mayor stated that he perceived the motion intent had been to only address <br /> this particular application at this time and' to let the applicants know that <br /> they can operate in the City of St. Anthony as long as they do so with only <br /> four occasions per week in the location they had designated. The City Attorney <br /> advised that, since the law is broken down into two sections, it would also <br /> be necessary for the Council to adopt a resolution which would prevent any organization <br /> who already had a building from conducting more than two gambling occasions <br /> in that building a week. <br /> Councilmember Makowske indicated she had proposed amending the last Commission <br /> finding because she had seen that what might have been a valid assessment of <br /> the public's reaction before that hearing had changed to a great extent after <br /> residents had read about the proposed activitv .i.n�.the,--Bul .et n. <br /> Motion, as amended, carried unanimously. <br /> The motion which was then developed reflected the recommendations of the City <br /> Attorney relating to the State licensing of the proposed facility. <br /> • Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Marks to adopt the resolution which would inform <br /> the Minnesota Charitable Gambling Board that the City of St. Anthony opposes granting <br /> any variances to the minimum requirements of the Minnesota Gambling Law, which would <br /> allow more than four gambling occasions per location per week or more than two occa- <br /> sions per week for any given organization in the City of St. Anthony. <br />