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-6- <br /> RESOLUTION 86-031 <br /> A RESOLUTION OPPOSING VARIANCES TO THE MINIMUM <br /> • REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA GAMBLING LAW <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Flag Presentation <br /> Commander Hearn presented three American flags to the Mayor, Council , and the <br /> City to be flown at City Hall , the fire station and a City park. The Mayor <br /> thanked the Legion for the flags and suggested he and Commander Hearn make a <br /> joint presentation of the checks the Tri-City American Legion Club and the St. <br /> Anthony Chamber of Commerce intend to give to the handicapped children's program <br /> at Wilshire School . The Legion Commander said he thought those who were present <br /> that evening might also be interested to learn his organization had donated <br /> more than $10,000 to worthy area causes since last February when the Legion <br /> moved to their new clubrooms in New Brighton. Councilmember Marks expressed <br /> his own appreciation for both the flags and the school program donations from <br /> the Legion. <br /> Revenue Sharing Hearing <br /> At 8:25 P.M. the Mayor opened the executive public hearing to receive public <br /> input on the proposed allocation of revenue sharing funds. Notice of the hearing <br /> had been published in the September 10th Bulletin. <br /> • The Manager stated that staff was recommending the City continue to use whatever <br /> revenue dollars it receives for capital expenditures rather than to institute <br /> any on-going, year-to-year expense which would have to be funded from some other <br /> source of revenue sharing becomes unavailable to the cities, as is quite possible <br /> in 1987. <br /> There were no residents present to suggest how the funds should be used and <br /> the hearing was adjourned at 8:26 P.M. to be reconvened when the City finds <br /> out what, "if any" , its Revenue Sharing allocation will be. <br /> 1987 Budget Hoc-tri ng <br /> At 8:27 P.M. the Mayor opened the public hearing to consider the 1987 City Budget, <br /> a notice of which had also been published in the September 10th Bulletin. <br /> Mr. Childs had highlighted the issues he considered especially important in <br /> the budget in his September 19th memorandum to which he had attached a comparison <br /> of the proposed 1987 budget and General Fund expenditure and revenues for 1985 <br /> and 1986. Also included in the agenda packet was a Budget Fact Sheet which <br /> anticipated a mill rate increase of -.009 for the City and a $14.53 increase <br /> in the City's share of the Property Tax before Homestead Credit for an average <br /> $84,750 home in St. Anthony in 1987. <br /> As stated in his memorandum, Mr. Childs reiterated that the mayor expenses in <br /> the budget reflected the City' s need to catch up after the large increase in <br /> insurance costs in the last two years: an automatic 10% increase in Metropolitan <br />