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-7- <br /> Council members later that afternoon to ascertain just what areas they perceived should <br /> • be pursued during the planning sessions. Councilmember Marks commented that he <br /> believed Mr. Vinton was a dean at Hamline University. <br /> Election Juclgas Appointed <br /> Motion by Makowske, seconded by Enrooth to approve the list of persons proposed by the <br /> Finance Director to serve as election judges for the General Elections November 4, <br /> 1986. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Silver Lane Maintenance Agreement Accepted <br /> Motion by Marks, seconded by Makowske to adopt the resolution which authorizes <br /> the execution of the agreement with Ramsey County whereby the City Public Works <br /> Department would provide road maintenance along Silver Lane from Stinson Boulevard <br /> to Silver Lake Road during the 1986-87 winter season. <br /> RESOLUTION 86-033 <br /> A RESOLUTION_ AUTHORXZING "...THE _- MAYOR,-- AND CITY <br /> MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT <br /> BETWEEN RAMSEY COUNTY AND THE CITY <br /> OF ST _ ANTHONY FOR 1986-87 <br /> WINTER ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> • <br /> Cal l for Bids for New Motor Grader Authorized <br /> Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Marks to approve the specifications and call for bids for <br /> a new motor grader subject to verification that "a delivery date which is no more than <br /> 60 days from the date of the order" would be feasible. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Recommendations for Issuance of $ 1 , 210 , 000 <br /> in Liquor Revenue Bonds <br /> Richard Treptow of Springsted Incorporated presented the various documents the <br /> Council would have to approve to schedule an issuance of $1 ,210,000 in liquor <br /> store revenue bonds to finance the proposed construction of a new liquor store <br /> building and to remodel existing Stonehouse bar and off-sale liquor store facilities. <br /> Copies of the financial consultant's recommendations had been distributed to <br /> Council members prior to the meeting and various aspects of that recommendation <br /> were discussed at length with the consultant. Mr. Treptow told the Councilmembers <br /> a liquor store bond was very rare in today's market bcause so few municipal operations <br /> were successful enough to expand. He also said he perceived there might be some <br /> problems with selling the bonds because they can only be paid for an secured <br /> by revenues from the operation with no taxing power legally available to the <br /> bond holders if revenues are not sufficient. <br /> Mr. Treptow indicated that typically bond investors would be looking for a reserve <br /> of at least one year's debt service which in the City's case would-amount to- <br /> $147,000 or $150,000 but the 1986 Tax Reform Act had restricted the amount the <br />