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-8- <br /> City could borrow for that purpose to 10% of the issue or $121 ,000. This would <br /> require the City to supplement that amount by either using available funds on <br /> • hand or funding the reserve increase requirement over several years from current <br /> operating profits. <br /> Mr. Childs said he had learned that the City could not use general reserve funds <br /> as: reserves for the bond issue but asked whether there was any interest on the <br /> Council for transferring $121 ,000 from the $500,000 in debt service reserves <br /> the City has sitting untouched in the bank just making interest. The Mayor Pro <br /> Tem said he would also like to see some of the construction costs like signage, <br /> fixtures, and architectural costs paid from the reserves rather than putting <br /> them in this issue. Councilmember Enrooth said he would like to see the issue <br /> kept under one million dollars if that could be done. Mr. Childs indicated he <br /> would prepare a report on just where reserves are available "for the City to <br /> borrow from itself". <br /> Mr. Treptow said he was not certain just how the market would be reacting to <br /> the uncertainty about the City's ability to get liability insurance over 15 years <br /> but Springsted had seen enough interest on the part of the underwriters to recommend <br /> a public sale be held November 10th to get bids for the issue. He said he knew <br /> the underwriters would always be willing to buy the bonds on a negotiated basis <br /> which would reduce their risks so, if no bids are received by November 10th, <br /> the City would have the right to negotiate a sale with them. _- <br /> The consultant told Councilmember Enrooth that because of the demand for any <br /> type of bonds right now, Springsted's "most conservative" judgment was that . <br /> the bonds would go for 8.5% in this period of law interest rates. If general = <br /> • obligation bonds were involved, Mr. Treptow said they would go for only 6%. He <br /> affirmed that the bonds would be tax exempt under the new tax law. <br /> The bid openings for construction of the liquor store would be October 28th after <br /> which the City could exercise its options to reduce the amount of the bonds -- <br /> according to the bids to the appropriate levels for a final decision by November <br /> 10th, Mr. Treptow indicated. Mayor Pro Tem Ranallo told him he was quite .certain <br /> the City would not be increasing the amount of the issue because there are options <br /> available which if deleted could reduce the cost of the project. <br /> Mr. Childs indicated 15 companies have requested to see the plans for the project <br /> and he expected some low bids which could cut the project costs back. The architect : <br /> had provided some options for cutting the project itself back and the Manager <br /> said using City reserves to cut down the issue or going for a ten year issue <br /> instead of 15, might make the bonds more attractive to the bond bidders. <br /> When Councilmember Enrooth said he was concerned about projecting revenues for <br /> 15 years in the liquor business, Mr. Treptow said the bond buyers would determine <br /> how realistic those revenue projections were. He also said because -the -City is <br /> not permitted to use general funds to pay off the bonds, the bond owners could <br /> under the issue Covenants only force the sale of the liquor facilities if revenues <br /> went too low to support bond payments. The bond consultant added that if the <br /> City's population ever exceeded 10,000 a referendum to decide whether or not <br /> to continue the liquor operations in that event would be necessary. Mr. Childs <br /> said the 1970 census showed St. Anthony with only 9,239 persons living in the <br /> City, which was the highest ever reached and there would have to be some drastic <br /> is <br /> changes made before the current figure of 7,770 would reach 10,000. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Ranallo recalled that Spring Lake Park had sold $600,000 in bonds <br /> for a liquor store about two years ago but that was only for an off-sale operation. <br />