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CC MINUTES 01241989
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 01241989
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CC MINUTES 01241989
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*backup bells are recent OSHA requirements which the City is mandated <br /> to follow; <br /> 3 *his crews would love to go back to daytime shifts and in fact that <br /> 4 was tried right after school classes were resumed this winter, but the <br /> 5 weather warmed up and there was no way they could make ice during the <br /> 6 day; <br /> 7 *the crews try to groom and flood the rinks on a daily basis for the <br /> 8 safety of the kids who use them and because they're easier to maintain <br /> 9 if they're done every day; <br /> 10 *to relocate the hockey rink in that park would involve relocation of <br /> 11 utilities and lighting and might just cause the same problems for the <br /> 12 neighbors on the other side of the park; <br /> 13 *even if the shift schedule could be adjusted, any time past 9:00 <br /> 14 P.M. for ice maintenance would be objectionable to Mr. Spielmann, and <br /> 15 the ice, especially with weather like its been the past few weeks, <br /> 16 wouldn't freeze until the temperature drops. <br /> 17 Councilmember Enrooth commented that he perceived the City might incur <br /> 18 liability if the ice isn't maintained in a safe manner. When he <br /> 19 wondered whether that hockey rink should just be closed, Councilmember <br /> 20 Ranallo hastened to rule out that option, saying he was already getting <br /> complaints because one of the other rinks was closed. He said he would <br /> like to see the City try to work out another shift schedule with the <br /> 23 union which would put the crews on that hockey rink around 7:00 A.M. <br /> 24 when normally the temperature drops at daylight.,:_ However, he cautioned <br /> 25 that with the union requirement for notification of schedule changes <br /> 26 within seven working days there could probably be no more changes made <br /> 27 in the six weeks of winter which probably remained this year. <br /> 28 Mayor Sundland indicated he perceived it was fine for the City to <br /> 29 maintain a good hockey program for its residents, but he pointed out <br /> 30 that the Public Works Department also had other types of duties around <br /> 31 the Village, many of which, might take higher priority over ice <br /> 32 maintenance during hours acceptable to Mr. Spielmann. He told the <br /> 33 resident the Public Works Director would try to get the contract <br /> 34 schedule modified but warned the new hours would only be instituted on <br /> 35 a trial basis and the crews might have to go back on the old schedule <br /> 36 if that didn't work out. Mr. Spielmann indicated he would be happy to <br /> 37 have the City at least try to change the maintenance hours. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 REPORTS <br /> 40 JANUARY 17, 1989 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - CHAIR JOHN MADDEN <br /> 41 Mayor Sundland congratulated the Planning Commission Chair for his <br /> 42 election to that position at the January 17th meeting. <br /> • 4 <br />
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