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CC MINUTES 01241989
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 01241989
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CC MINUTES 01241989
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1 maintenance. The resident indicated the Public Works Director's <br /> response to his complaints was that the City couldn't make those <br /> adjustments because they would have to pay time and a half for split <br /> 4 shift hours if the crews worked hours which extended over two days. He <br /> 5 said since January 1st the crews had worked on the hockey rinks at <br /> 6 hours ranging from 3 :45 A.M. to 6: 15 A.M. The complainant said even Mr. <br /> 7 Childs' suggestion that the maintenance schedule be shifted so the crews <br /> 8 did that hockey rink last wouldn't work because if it took the usual two <br /> 9 hours to scrape the ice, that would put the crews at work on the ice at <br /> 10 around 6:00 A.M. , still too early to "have bells going off in close <br /> 11 proximity to my house" and awakening children too young to get up at <br /> 12 that hour. <br /> 13 Mr. Spielmann reported talking to people who maintain other rinks, who <br /> 14 he conceded were volunteers, but had told him- they used hoses and not <br /> 15 noisy watering trucks to flood their rinks. He said he couldn't <br /> 16 understand why 6:00 A.M. was the latest time the crews could do their <br /> 17 work and indicated he thought it would be a lot safer for them to work <br /> 18 during daylight rather than night hours. <br /> 19 Mayor Sundland told the resident the City spends well over $10,000.00 <br /> 20 during a normal winter to keep the hockey rinks open and safe. He <br /> 21 reiterated that time and a half would have to be paid to the union crews <br /> 22 for split shifts and confirmed the information Mr. Hamer had given Mr. <br /> 23 Spielmann which indicated any change in the contract's shift schedules <br /> 24 had to be negotiated with the union seven working days before those <br /> changes were made. <br /> 26 Mr. Hamer reported he had previously explained the conflict with the <br /> 27 union contract to Mr. Spielmann many times in the past along with the <br /> 28 facts that: <br /> 29 *the best time for freezing ice is in the middle of the night; <br /> 30 *the ice has to be kept clear of cracks for the safety of the hockey <br /> 31 players and skaters; <br /> 32 *children skating on the ice prevent the maintenance work from being <br /> 33 done until after the rinks close and it's usually too warm during <br /> 34 schools hours for the ice to set up; <br /> 35 *in regard to the equipment which is used, the sweeper has the ice <br /> 36 shaver on the back of it; flooding is done by truck because the spray <br /> 37 bar on the back puts down only the thin coats of water needed to <br /> 38 produce hard ice; <br /> 39 *with the warmer than usual weather this winter, the crews have to <br /> 40 wait until the temperature is about 25 deg. which is usually in the <br /> 41 middle of the night; <br /> 42 *the rinks have been maintained in the same manner for more than the <br /> 3 thirty odd years he has been with the City; <br /> 3 <br />
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