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1 had recalled that the City had provided seed money for the various <br /> itWrangler Days which had been held in St. Anthony years ago and had <br /> thought the City had gotten back most of its money after those events. <br /> 4 Mayor Sundland agreed that about $800.00 had been lent to cover the <br /> 5 initial costs of those events and that the committees in charge of the <br /> 6 events had paid back whatever they could from what they had taken in <br /> 7 during the celebrations. His own recollection was that about $600.00 <br /> 8 had been raised to pay the City back. He said he would have no problem <br /> 9 lending the Committee the money it needs for a float with the <br /> 10 realization that they would make the best effort they could to pay it <br /> 11 back. The Mayor also wanted to see firm figures related to what the <br /> 12 insurance would cost, perceiving those figures could probably be more <br /> 13 easily gotten by the Chamber. <br /> 14 Councilmember Enrooth pointed out that $7,000. 00 was certainly not the <br /> 15 same as lending $800.00 for a community event and he urged a formal <br /> 16 document be developed for the loan so the impression would not be left <br /> 17 that everybody could automatically turn to the City to underwrite <br /> 18 future community activities without paying the money back. The <br /> 19 Councilmember also suggested eliminating any reference to the City <br /> 20 sponsoring the VillageFest from the letter the Committee is sending City <br /> 21 merchants to solicit food booth participants and financial donations for <br /> 22 the event. Mr. Childs agreed, saying the Chamber members he had talked <br /> 23 to that morning had certainly supported having the Chamber take over <br /> 24 that sponsorship. <br /> Ms. VanderHeyden indicated she didn't think the VillageFest Committee <br /> would perceive the transfer of the float to Chamber auspices as a loss <br /> 27 of control for themselves, but instead would see it as an opportunity <br /> 28 to get more people involved in the planning and making the float a <br /> 29 reality. <br /> 30 Mayor Sundland said he would welcome having the Chamber take over the <br /> 31 sponsorship of the celebration itself because he thought the Chamber <br /> 32 should share the role of marketeer of the community with the City. <br /> 33 There was concurrence that having the Chamber identified on the side of <br /> 34 the float as its sponsor would be no different than having other <br /> 35 community based organizations names acknowledged as the sponsors of <br /> 36 other community floats. The City Manager responded to the fear that the <br /> 37 VillageFest Committee might read the transfer of the float to the <br /> 38 Chamber as an indication that the Council was trying to get out of <br /> 39 involvement in the project by saying that many City departments are <br /> 40 working closely with the Committee and the fact that all the <br /> 41 Councilmembers and he and Ms. VanderHeyden intend to continue their <br /> 42 efforts to make the float a success. Offering a $7,000.00 loan could <br /> 43 certainly not be seen as a disengagement either, he added. <br /> 44 Mr. Childs was requested to develop a letter of understanding for <br /> 45 Council approval at their next meeting. <br /> 46 Presentation on Proposed Changes in Minnesota Human Services Licensing <br /> 47 Law Scheduled for Council's March 28th Meeting <br /> is 8 <br />