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CC MINUTES 05091989
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 05091989
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12/30/2015 5:41:02 PM
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12/30/2015 5:41:01 PM
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CC MINUTES 05091989
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I guests who . visit the building. residents. She said the group's <br /> 2 spokesperson, Jean Krajna, had phoned her to report the lack of parking <br /> space outside the building and failure to get any response from either <br /> 4 the META Partnership or their building manager to residents' requests <br /> 5 for more' parking spaces in accordance with the promises regarding <br /> 6 overflow parking reached with the City during the Redevelopers Agreement <br /> 7 negotiations. <br /> 8 Residents' Testimony <br /> 9 its. Krajna reported that: <br /> 10 •Most of the residents present that evening had purchased their units <br /> 11 before the building was erected but had been assured by the building <br /> 12 owners at the time they signed their purchase agreements that even if <br /> 13 - they had more than one vehicle and 142 spaces within the building and <br /> 14 15 outside were not sufficient to meet their parking needs, parking <br /> 15 would never be a problem because META owned the vacant lot next door <br /> 16 and planned to construct a medical/professional office building there <br /> 17 which would always have parking space available for the Kenzington <br /> 18 residents and their guests. <br /> 19 •The office building had never materialized and the lot is not paved, <br /> 20 making parking there almost impossible. <br /> 21 -This left a 150 unit building with only 142 parking spaces inside and <br /> 22 12 rather than the promised 15 spaces in front of the building which <br /> are utilized most of the time by Kenzington employees and the service <br /> 04 and sales persons who come to the building. <br /> 25 •In any event, the manager the META Partnership had hired, had now <br /> 26 informed her that she could not park the extra vehicle she owns <br /> 27 outside the building and "it was up to her to find her own parking." <br /> 28 •The building owners were so anxious to fill the building up they are <br /> 29 renting the 97. unsold units to couples who both work and both have <br /> 30 cars, leaving the condominium owners with no place for guests to park <br /> 31 because no parking is permitted on the street and with the apartments <br /> 32 going up across Kenzie Terrace, parking is no longer available in what <br /> 33 was an empty shopping center when the Kenzington residents first moved <br /> 34 in. <br /> 35 •There have been rumors that the Partnership is going to sell the <br /> 36 vacant lot, which would leave the Kenzington residents with no hope <br /> 37 at all of having parking available for their extra vehicles or guests <br /> 38 without some sort of written agreement from the building owners. <br /> 39 lis. Krajna read the portion of the condominium by-laws which made <br /> 40 reference to an Overflow Agreement which stipulated "residents might <br /> 41 have to pay $10.00 a month extra to use outside parking spaces". She <br /> 42 said her attempts to get a copy of that document or any other response <br /> • 3 <br />
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