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CC MINUTES 05091989
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 05091989
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CC MINUTES 05091989
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1 from the Partnership or their attorney, Tyson and Gunderson, had been <br /> 2 unsuccessful. <br /> 0 George Mitchell, President of the Kenzington Homeowners Association, <br /> 4 questioned whether the building owners shouldn't have been legally <br /> 5 required to provide adequate parking for the building residents and <br /> 6 their guests and asked whether the Council had taken this potential <br /> 7 problem into consideration during their negotiations with the META <br /> 8 Partnership. <br /> 9 The recollection was that the Redevelopers Agreement with META <br /> 10 Partnership called for only 142 parking spaces inside but the developers <br /> 11 had indicated that if more were needed, there was a possibility that <br /> 12 eight more could be obtained by downsizing some of the stalls for <br /> 13 compact cars. Mayor Sundland also recalled that when the question was <br /> 14 raised about residents having more -than one car, the developers had <br /> 15 indicated that would be rare for a project like the Kenzington where <br /> 16 most residents would be retired and a good many would have no vehicles <br /> 17 at all. <br /> 18 The Mayor then read aloud the letter Larry Hamer, the Public Works <br /> 19 Director, had written to the META Partnership on May 8th recalling that <br /> 20 when the final plans for the Kenzington had been approved, the <br /> 21 Partnership had indicated excess parking would be provided in the <br /> 22 parking lot of the medical/professional building the developers proposed <br /> 23 to erect in the vacant lot the City had helped them purchase for that <br /> 24 purpose next to the Kenzington. Mr. Hamer's letter had also advised <br /> 4kthe property owners that Section 12 of the City Zoning Ordinance <br /> requires them to asphalt or concrete surface the area if excess parking <br /> 27 is to be provided on the lot for Kenzington residents. He had also <br /> 28 pointed out other maintenance requirements which must be met if <br /> 29 construction of the proposed building is delayed any further. Mr. <br /> 30 Hamer referred to the requirement in the final plan for 15 rather than <br /> 31 12 parking spaces in front of the building and requested discussions of <br /> 32 a solution with the Partnership. <br /> 33 Copies of Mr. Hamer's letter had been provided Councilmembers before the <br /> 34 meeting and copies were also passed out to all present during the <br /> 35 discussions. Evelyn Hedberg, another Kenzington owner, told the <br /> 36 Councilmembers she and other residents are unable to invite anyone to <br /> 37 visit them because there is no longer any place for visitors to park <br /> 38 except in sand or mud in the vacant lot. She said the same was true of <br /> 39 residents who have more than one car. <br /> 40 Councilmember Makowske commented that the Council had never envisioned <br /> 41 those units having to be rented out and had therefore based parking <br /> 42 requirements on similar projects they had looked at three or four years <br /> 43 ago which had unused parking spaces because of the average age of the <br /> 44 residents, many of whom are singles or owned no vehicles at all. She <br /> 45 perceived the situation at the Kenzington to be very unusual when <br /> 46 compared to similar condominium projects in the surrounding area. <br /> is 4 <br />
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