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CC MINUTES 05091989
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 05091989
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12/30/2015 5:41:02 PM
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CC MINUTES 05091989
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1 owners problems now that more vehicles than had been originally <br /> 2 anticipated had resulted from the building owners renting unsold units <br /> 0 to people with more than one vehicle "who, in all probability, would <br /> never exercise their options to purchase those units". The condominium <br /> 5 owners said management'had even rented three garage stalls to one of the <br /> 6 renters who had three cars which, with all the other renters who have <br /> 7 more than one vehicle, had resulted in fewer garage stalls for 150 <br /> 8 units. She questioned whether the Council had ever seen a condominium <br /> 9 project like the Kenzington which had no outside parking available to <br /> 10 its residents. However, she also had to concede that when the owners <br /> 11 had first bought their units, they had decided to include only one <br /> 12 parking stall in the purchase because, they also believed the <br /> 13 developer's assurances that adequate parking would always be made <br /> 14 available outside the building. <br /> 15 Ms. Hedberg asked the Council to consider how frustrating it must be for <br /> 16 Kenzington owners like herself and her husband "who had spent so much <br /> 17 money to purchase a home in .which they intend to spend the rest of their <br /> 18 days only to find out they can't even entertain or have people drop in <br /> 19 after church because there's no place for their guests to park." The <br /> 20 resident concluded by saying that the Kenzington owners perceived the <br /> 21 need to have a parking agreement in writing "based on what has gone on <br /> 22 since we purchased our homes, none of the owners have any faith in <br /> 23 either the META Partnership's or their manager's promises." <br /> 24 Ms. Krajna confirmed that the developers had verbally promised her that <br /> 5 there would be overflow parking space available for her or her guests' <br /> 4F use. <br /> 27 Councilmember Ranallo said hopefully, the minutes would report that the <br /> 28 same promises had been made to the Council. <br /> 29 Mr. Mitchell agreed to furnish staff with copies of his correspondence <br /> 30 with META in which he had been told "it was up to the condominium <br /> 31 owners to find their own parking." Ms. Krajna said she would do the <br /> 32 same with the letters she had written to META and their attorneys. She <br /> 33 added that in spite of problems with garage heating, windows and <br /> 34 leaking between floors, in addition to plumbing problems in the <br /> 35 building, she continued to think "the Kenzington was a nice building and <br /> 36 liked the area very much." Ms. Krajna said she thought it was very <br /> 37 unfortunate that META Partnership was refusing to honestly discuss its <br /> 38 problems with the residents and perceived the Council was the residents' <br /> 39 last hope for solving their parking problems. <br /> 40 Mr. Mitchell thanked the Councilmembers for their courteous response to <br /> 41 the Kenzington residents' concerns. Councilmember Marks told him it <br /> 42 was a real disappointment for him personally to learn that a project <br /> 43 which the Council had worked so hard on fox years was now causing so <br /> 44 many problems for its occupants. <br /> 45 Stat€ to book Into Shared Ride Program With Columbia Uigts and <br /> 46 Rosevi „le's Busmobile <br /> • 6 <br />
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