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1 Ms. Krajna indicated the Kenzington residents had asked that she also <br /> discuss with the Council the possibility of St. Anthony participating <br /> 3 in a yellow cab shared ride program with Columbia Heights under which <br /> 4 children under 12 ride for 50 cents and seniors over 65 are able to ride <br /> 5 anywhere within the participating cities for $1.00. She reported users <br /> 6 purchase tickets for shared rides in Columbia Heights at the City Hall. <br /> 7 The Kenzington spokesperson said she perceived there should be good <br /> 8 market for the program in St. Anthony among the seniors who would be <br /> 9 going into the Autumnwood Apartments across Kenzie and the rest of the <br /> 10 senior population living elsewhere in the City who appear to be on the <br /> 11 increase. Ms. Krajna presented the brochures she had on both programs <br /> 12 to the Mayor commenting that she thought having such services for <br /> 13 seniors might attract more residents to St. Anthony. <br /> 14 Ms. VanderHeyden was requested to contact the person in charge of .the <br /> 15 program in Columbia Heights for further information regarding how much <br /> 16 the program costs. Mayor Sundland reported he understood the former <br /> 17 City Manager had researched grant possibilities for the busmobile and <br /> 18 found none available at this time. <br /> 19 Kenzington Problems with Recycling <br /> 20 The Association President initiated the above discussion by asking what <br /> 21 suggestions the Council had for disposing of all the paper the <br /> 04 2 Kenzington residents had diligently collected for recycling now that it <br /> had become obvious that the market for such materials had disappeared. <br /> Councilmember Enrooth, who serves as Council liaison with the City's <br /> 25 Recycling Task Force, told him it was only because recycling had been <br /> 26 so successful that the problems with disposing of newsprint had arisen. <br /> 27 He said there are still markets for glass and aluminum recyclables but <br /> 28 there has to be further research done on how paper products can be <br /> 29 recycled. The Councilmember reported the proposed recycling ordinance <br /> 30 for St. Anthony was scheduled for hearings before the Council in June <br /> 31 after which a recycling program would hopefully be underway this fall. <br /> 32 Councilmember Marks observed the irony of having the federal government <br /> 33 spend $5,000,000.00 in subsidies for cutting down trees for paper <br /> 34 products which are now a glut on the market. <br /> 35 Councilmember Ranallo commented that the Council had been criticized by <br /> 36 some residents for not getting the recycling program started sooner, but <br /> 37 he now perceived those delays had probably saved the City from the <br /> 38 problem of getting rid of the paper. <br /> 39 Rick Lundeen, a City Fire Reserve and member of the VillageFest <br /> 40 Committee who was present to discuss lighting for this event, joined the <br /> 41 discussion by reporting the printing firm he works with is in danger <br /> 42 of going out of business because of its inability to get rid of the <br /> 43 paper it generates. He said his firm currently has five box cars of <br /> 44 shredded paper on the tracks with no way of disposing of the contents <br /> is 7 <br />