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• fact that the Council in 1988 made the decision not to purchase <br /> umbrella liability but to go with the sovreign municipality limit of <br /> $600 , 000, and also chose a $10 , 000 per occurence deductible with a <br /> $50 , 000 aggregate limit . He pointed out that the savings as a result <br /> of that decision were approximately $80 , 000 in policy period ' 88/ ' 89 <br /> versus ' 87/88 . <br /> Mr . Flaten informed the Council that ' 89/ ' 90 policy year insurance <br /> costs could be reduced by approximately $5, 000 providing a change in <br /> liquor liability carrier was made from TransContinental to Park Glenn. <br /> This suggested change is prompted by the fact that Stonehouse <br /> food/liquor sales last year were estimated to be fifty-fifty in favor <br /> of food sales, but that- actual- f-igures =during- the last ten -months- of <br /> operation indicate that that is not the case , and that the City will be <br /> unable to obtain the benefits of such a favorable food to liquor sales <br /> ratio under the policy with TransContinental . <br /> Several other markets were investigated, one of which was Park Glenn. <br /> American Risk Services recommends that St. Anthony change its liquor <br /> liability policy from TransContinental to Park Glenn, a comparatively <br /> new company which now has an established track record and competitive <br /> rates, and pointed out the figures on the fourth and fifth pages of the <br /> renewal packet showing savings of approximately $25, 000 in support of <br /> that recommendation. <br /> • The difference in coverage between the two programs is that the <br /> TransContinental policy has a separate policy and a separate $500 , 000 <br /> limit for each of the four locations covered, while the Park Glenn <br /> program has a $500 , 000 shared limit among all four locations , <br /> preventing erosion of the limit- on one location due to a large loss at <br /> that one location while still providing the full $500, 000 limit at each <br /> individual location. <br /> In reviewing the property premiums versus property values , Mr . Flaten <br /> pointed out that the premiums have gone up at a lesser rate than the <br /> values , evidence that the Council has been prudent in choosing a larger <br /> deductible. <br /> Mr . Flaten indicated that the City has received dividends from the <br /> League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust , largely as a result of the <br /> design of the claims made contract program. Under that program, there <br /> is no tail; that is , no claims that are incurred in an earlier time are <br /> reported at some future time. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Ranallo indicated the importance of the City' s support <br /> for 'the League, and the fact that through savings resulting from the <br /> City' s participation in the League ' s insurance program the City has <br /> actually recovered their dues to the League. <br /> Mr. Flaten reviewed the savings the City has made due to its favorable <br /> • workers ' compensation experience . Actual experience is reflected in <br /> the retrospective basis premium program, and has worked to the City' s <br /> advantage because losses have been low. Mr. Flaten recommended that <br /> the Council choose the retrospective basis premium program for the <br />