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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • August 23, 1994 <br /> Page 10 <br /> 1 Anderson reviewed the proposed time schedule with the public hearing being held late <br /> 2 October/November, advertisement in mid-November, bids received in December,public hearing <br /> 3 in February of 1995, construction beginning in May and completed in August of 1995. Anderson <br /> 4 stated the project is feasible, similar to the last two street reconstruction projects, and he <br /> 5 recommends the City proceed. <br /> 6 Enrooth questioned the cost. Anderson explained the project includes approximately 4,200 lineal <br /> 7 feet and in 1994 there was approximately 2,600 lineal feet. Also, the 1995 project includes more <br /> 8 reconstruction and watermain work. <br /> 9 In response to Ranallo's question,Mark Anderson stated he has been assured that George <br /> 10 Anderson will supervise this project. Ranallo commented on the excellent work done by George <br /> 11 Anderson with the previous project in addressing resident's concerns. <br /> 12 Wagner questioned how the City's portion of this project will be funded. Ranallo suggested <br /> 13 skipping one year and the costs for the 1995 project being spread over two years. He noted that <br /> 14 potential future development and TIF will have an impact. <br /> Anderson pointed out that the majority of work will be constructed in 1995 and estimated <br /> that $30,000 to $40,000 will be paid in 1996 for the final blacktop lift. <br /> 17 Motion by Marks, second by Enrooth to approve Resolution 94-045. r.. <br /> 18 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 19 B. Maw <br /> 20 Mayor Ranallo reported he has agreed to serve on the Nativity Lutheran Church Committee that <br /> 21 is working jointly with Community Services on youth programs. Ranallo suggested the Mayor <br /> 22 Pro Tem attend meetings in his absence. Fleming stated she was also asked to serve on this <br /> 23 committee. <br /> 24 Ranallo informed the Council of a newly-formed committee of first ring suburban Police Chiefs <br /> 25 and Mayors. He will be attending their meetings to address crime and safety. <br /> 26 C. Council. <br /> 27 Fleming reported that the last meeting of the Library Task Force was held and a meeting is <br /> 28 scheduled with Charles Brown, the Hennepin County Library Board Director. It was noted the <br /> 29 St. Anthony Council will meet with Mr. Brown on October 18, 1994. Fleming reported on <br /> 30 activities of the Task Force to encourage residents to apply for a library card and commented that <br /> 31 it is now up to residents to use the library. Fleming stated the Task Force hopes that the Friends <br /> of the Library will "pick up where they left off'. <br />