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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • August 23, 1994 <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 of Section 1. Section 1635.03, Permitted Conditional Uses,to add the following: <br /> 2 "Hardware and building material supply store with outdoor lumber yard where (i)the <br /> 3 lumber yard is screened in a manner approved by the City Council, and(ii) the hardware <br /> 4 and building material supply store building contains at least 30,000 square feet of space." <br /> 5 Mary Finn, 2709 Silver Lane, requested that the Council address drainage and ponding <br /> 6 issues as part of this project. She asserted that adding Knox and CUB will increase hard <br /> 7 surfaces and thus the amount of runoff. Finn expressed concern regarding increased <br /> 8 runoff toxicity due to the building and lumber material. She also expressed concern <br /> 9 regarding truck traffic on Silver Lane and asked Council to address traffic patterns to <br /> 10 protect the residential area. <br /> 11 Hehr stated he appreciates these concerns. He explained that with larger lumber yards <br /> 12 trucks are making deliveries all day long, but Knox receives most of their deliveries on <br /> 13 one large truck which arrives in late afternoon or early evening, when the traffic levels are <br /> 14 lighter. He pointed out they do not use loud speakers or pole lighting and are sensitive to <br /> 15 adjoining residents. <br /> aJones stated he understands these types of issues (drainage,ponding, lighting, screening) <br /> 17 will be considered with the Conditional Use Permit and asked if residents will be given <br /> 18 an opportunity to provide input at that time. Ranallo reviewed previous discussions with <br /> 19 the applicant regarding these issues and that only the proposed ordinance amendment is <br /> 20 being considered tonight. He added that the meeting will again be open for input when <br /> 21 the Conditional Use Permit is considered. <br /> 22 Charles Finn, 2709 Silver Lane, stated he wants to speak with a note of caution on the <br /> 23 serious impact these businesses will have on the residential area. He commented on the <br /> 24 Barr Engineering drainage study and asked the Council to consider the changes being <br /> 25 proposed and impact on drainage. He also asked Council to consider the impact between <br /> 26 residences and a potential business operation that is near to light industrial. Finn <br /> 27 applauded the Council for the work they have put into this proposal and requested they <br /> 28 also address issues regarding lighting, signage, traffic patterns, etc. <br /> 29 Ranallo explained that a portion of Apache Plaza will be demolished to make room for <br /> 30 Knox which will result in almost the same amount of building area as currently exists. <br /> 31 Finn asked if a portion of the green space will be used for parking lot expansion. <br /> 32 Cavanaugh clarified that this would only happen if Herberger's also expands. In that <br /> 3 case, they will also look at additional area for ponding. <br /> 0 <br /> 34 Fleming commented she was surprised by the Planning Commission's vote on the <br /> 35 proposed amendment. She stated that a business such as Knox gives her the impression <br />