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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • November 12, 1996 <br /> Page.4 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 2. Discussion of Cleaning Proposals for City Hall/Community Center. <br /> 3 Mornson reported the City has requested cleaning proposals for the new City Hall/Community <br /> 4 Center which will be considered at the December 4, 1996 City Council meeting. He noted <br />: 5 Community Services is included on the bid form in an effort to get a better rate but will be <br /> 6 paying for their own services. <br /> 7 Morrison reported he is currently holding daily update meetings with Graus Construction. They <br /> 8 will be attempting to pave the parking lot of the new building on Thursday or Friday. They may <br /> 9 be unable to pour the sidewalks until Spring as concrete cannot be poured when the temperature <br /> 10 is below 40 degrees. <br /> 11 Morrison reported Staff will be going through"punch lists"for the building, phone system, <br /> 12 audio-visual equipment and furniture for the new City Hall/Community Center building. He <br /> 13 suggested Councilmembers try the two styles of chairs which were present in the Chambers <br /> 14 tonight to determine which style they preferred. <br /> 15 Morrison reported he is meeting with New Brighton, Arden Hills and Falcon Heights Staff to <br /> 16 determine if there is the possibility of hiring a joint building inspector. <br /> 0 Morrison reported he conducted performance reviews of Staff last Thursday. He also noted in <br /> P P Y <br /> 18 1997, Staff will be updating the sexual harassment training. The last training was in 1991 and <br /> 19 there has been significant Staff turnover since that time. <br /> 20 Morrison reported the request from Agkanan to utilize the new building has been postponed. The <br /> 21 City will offer them the option to remain in their location in the current building at the same rent <br /> 22 including the pro-rated utility bill until they are able to find a new location. <br /> 23 Morrison reported Staff is still working with the school in regard to the 33rd Avenue issue. <br /> 24 Mayor Ranallo noted Tony Kaczar had left a note with the Council that he was not opposed to <br /> 25 the "no parking" but is opposed to having a sign on his property. Mayor Ranallo reported he had <br /> 26 received a call from one resident who runs a day care center and another from a handicapped <br /> 27 resident who requires a wheelchair in opposition of the"no parking". He also received calls <br /> 28 from two residents who were just opposed. <br /> 29 Bob Manske, School Boardmember, stated the drop-off at the Middle School is the issue. <br /> 30 Parking in the horseshoe would interfere with the buses. The Middle School would like to see <br /> 31 students dropped off on the school side of the street. <br /> Morrison reported residents are less opposed to "no parking"for one hour periods while the <br /> 16 children are arriving and departing from school. He stated Staff will continue to work to find a <br /> 34 solution to this problem. <br />