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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • April 28, 1998 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 also be the meeting center of town. This plan captures what the community was looking for. He <br /> 2 noted the flood relief issue had more specific matters in regard to funding that could be carried <br /> 3 out. The parks are not so clear. Marks stated he would like the City to have an overall plan to <br /> 4 send to the Park Commission that the Council would like to implement the proposed plan for <br /> 5 Central Park and would like it to be completed in 3 - 4 years. The Parks Commission can then <br /> 6 develop a phasing plan and determine means of funding. <br /> 7 Mr. Kost stated the project could be completed in approximately 2 years if the City had the <br /> 8 necessary funds. <br /> 9 Faust stated that $1.5 million_is being raised for the water issue by increasing the Storm Water <br /> 10 contribution to $13 per quarter. He noted that$750,000 could be raised by increasing the fee by <br /> 11 $6.50. <br /> 12 Cavanaugh stated that$750,000 is not a lot of money. He would like to see the plan broken into <br /> 13 three phases with a specific agenda. <br /> 14 Faust stated the Task Force had not been charged with developing a specific agenda and <br /> 15 determining the funding. <br /> itMayor Ranallo stated the Task Force had done exactly what it was askedto do. It is the City's <br /> 17 responsibility to determine funding sources. He questioned where the children would play if all <br /> 18 three parks were under construction at the same time. <br /> 19 Ms. Jindra stated she agreed that the flooding issue had been more important than the parks. She <br /> 20 asked the Council to move forward on some part of the plan to show the community they are <br /> 21 serious and help the community to get excited. Some type of City action would also help with <br /> 22 the grant process. She stated there are a number of corporations that would match City money <br /> 23 for the parks. <br /> 24 Mayor Ranallo expressed his support of involving the community. Fund-raising could be <br /> 25 investigated and possibly some of the cost would need to be put on the tax roll. <br /> 26 Ms. Jindra expressed concern with funding the park improvements with taxation. She stated the <br /> 27 young people who can really use this park may not be able to afford additional taxes. <br /> 28 Cavanaugh noted that all the feasibility work has been completed and asked if the Council could <br /> 29 authorize funds to progress to the next design stage. <br /> 30 Mr. Kost stated it would be beneficial to obtain a physical survey of Central Park. A plan could <br /> then be drafted of how this project would progress from beginning to end. The physical survey <br /> 4k could be completed within 2 weeks and a map created within 24 days. Physical boring data <br />