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CC MINUTES 04281998
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 04281998
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • April 28, 1998 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Ms. Jindra complimented the work done by Mr. Kost. She noted the Task Force had worked <br /> 2 hard to look at active and passive activities in the park. She stated she would like the process to <br /> 3 continue with Silver Point and Emerald Park. <br /> 4 Mayor Ranallo stated the open house was an excellent idea. He suggested maps be laid out and a <br /> 5 brief meeting be held to obtain the resident's input. <br /> 6 Lance Johnson, 3500 - 31St Avenue NE, stated he was grateful to see the plan. His two sons will <br /> 7 not play at the playgrounds in St. Anthony because they are boring. He supported the multi-age <br /> 8 playground being a part of the first phase of redevelopment. He thanked the members of the <br /> 9 Task Force for donating their time. Even though he lives on the south side-of town,he did not <br /> 10 feel slightedthat Central Park was being redeveloped before the other parks. He noted that <br /> 11 Silver Point Park may be used for run-off and suggested that the old Country Market site be used <br /> 12 instead. <br /> 13 Mayor Ranallo asked if the project could be divided into three or four phases and how much the <br /> 14 multi-age playground would cost to construct. <br /> 1.5 Mr. Kost estimated that the multi-age pay area would cost approximately $150,000. <br /> 0 Thuesen stated he had spoken with a person who worked with the Castle Heights project in <br /> 17 Columbia Heights which was built with 100%volunteer labor and 100% donations. Although <br /> 18 the process is not easy and requires a lot of hard work from the whole community, it can be <br /> 19 accomplished. <br /> 20 Mr. Kost stated the Task Force had spent a lot of time discussing financing. The playground <br /> 21 under the water tower makes the most sense for the first phase. As the project moves north, one <br /> 22 improvement will affect the other and it will become more difficult. Mr. Kost estimated that the <br /> 23 project could be done in three phases. <br /> 24 Cavanaugh stated his initial impression was disappointment. He had thought that a solid plan of <br /> 25 implementation would be presented this evening with dollar figures and priorities for the parks. <br /> 26 He had a sense that there was an urgency to this issue and he did not feel that urgency being <br /> 27 resolved in this presentation. <br /> 28 Thuesen stated that as a representative of the Task Force, his impression was that their task was <br /> 29 to provide a nice overall plan of what the community would like as a potential for the final <br /> 30 product. A Park Commission would now be established and would move the plan forward. He <br /> 31 noted there is a lot of uncertainty with funding. The City Staff has been focusing their efforts on <br /> 32 the flooding issue and the parks were second to that issue. <br /> Is Marks noted that this park plan is very multi-generational. It will provide facilities for childhood <br /> 14 ages to people of advanced ages. Not only will this be the geographical center of town but it will <br />
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