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CC MINUTES 06231998
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 06231998
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • June 23, 1998 <br /> Page 12 <br /> 1 Mr. Jedinak stated he would install large culverts underground to hold the water. He noted that <br /> 2 the Park was just remodeled, new trees were planted, and a new backstop installed. <br /> 3 Mr. Willenbring stated he understood Mr. Jedinak's concerns. <br /> 4 Marilyn Leach, 2712 34`'Avenue, stated the fields being discussed are not softball fields, nor <br /> 5 were they ever designed to be. They are too short and small and were designed for t-ball. She <br /> 6 stated her main concern is that the City not lose the Park. She was concerned that the City would <br /> 7 install the ditch and drop the park without finishing it. At one point she had been told that this <br /> 8 was to be a temporary holding pond. <br /> 9 Mayor Ranallo stated there was a proposal in 1992 to remove the Park. Since that time there has <br /> 10 never been discussion of removing the park and not replacing it. There is a proposal to lower the <br /> 11 park so that it can serve a dual purpose. He suggested that the phrase temporary holding pond <br /> 12 was referring to the amount of time that the water would be in the pond. <br /> 13 Ms. Leach questioned when the Park would be replaced. She wanted a guarantee that the funds <br /> 14 are available and are allocated for this use. <br /> Mr. Hubmer explained that construction of the Park is scheduled for this fall, with restoration in <br /> 6 the spring. The Park will then be allowed to rest for the summer and will be available for winter <br /> 17 sports. <br /> 18 Ms. Leach noted that the soil borings are not back yet and stated she is interested to see what lies <br /> 19 under the Park. She hoped that the funds are available to remove what is buried there and that <br /> 20 this will not threaten the use of the Park. <br /> 21 Ms. Leach stated she is concerned with home valuation in the area. She was hopeful that a study <br /> 22 had been done in respect to this issue. She noted that there has been a water problem for forty <br /> 23 years and stated she hoped that this solution will not just move the problem from one area to <br /> 24 another. Ms. Leach also asked why the City does not hook-up to the Minneapolis system and <br /> 25 install a larger sewer system. <br /> 26 Mr. Hubmer explained that St. Anthony is hooked-up to the Minneapolis system. The reason the <br /> 27 City does not build a larger sewer system is that it would cost$20 million. The proposed <br /> 28 solution will cost$6 million. <br /> 29 Mr. Hubmer displayed photographs of similar parks in other areas. He displayed a park with a <br /> 30 2.5-1 slope and a twelve foot change in elevation, a 3-1 slope with a 25 foot change in elevation, <br /> 31 a park design which incorporated a retaining wall and bleacher system, and a 3.5 to 4-1 slope <br /> 0 with a twelve foot change in elevation. <br />
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