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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • June 23, 1998 <br /> Page 13 <br /> 1 Mr. Willenbring displayed a picture of Monroe Park which is located in the City of Richfield. <br /> 2 This is a sandy environment which is utilizing french drains rather than a gravity system. This <br /> 3 park area was lowered by six feet. The City of Richfield was developed in the same era as St. <br /> 4 Anthony and is currently using all their parks to hold rain water. <br /> 5 Mr. Jedinak expressed concern that when the whole basin fills with water,the pressure will be so <br /> 6 great that it will open the veins and bring water into his basement. He asked how large the buffer <br /> 7 area would be. He noted that the park will lose approximately one acre of land with this proposal <br /> 8 and questioned how all the amenities would be placed on only three acres. <br /> 9 Mr. Willenbring again explained that the depression should lower the water table in the area. He <br /> 10 stated that the buffer zone will be fifty to sixty feet. He acknowledged that the size of the park <br /> 11 will be reduced by approximately one acre. <br /> 12 Cindy Lerner Smith, 3100 29`'Avenue NE, noted that ground water is a problem for her. Her <br /> 13 sump pump runs constantly. She has an eleven month old child and is concerned with the safety <br /> 14 of children around the depression. She asked if there was something that could be done to <br /> 15 control the seepage and asked if new piping would be installed. <br /> 0 Mr. Willenbring stated this will be hooked-up to existing 1988 piping. <br /> 17 Ms. Smith noted that the report stated that there was no property damage in this area yet there is <br /> 18 property damage. She questioned what material will be used in the depression and how long it <br /> 19 will last. She questioned if this solution was merely a band-aid for the problem. <br /> 20 Mr. Willenbring stated the City has experienced a lot of damage as a result of the flood in <br /> 21 different areas. The solutions considered included installing much bigger pipes to carry away the <br /> 22 water. This solution seems simple but that water will go to other cities and impact those cities. <br /> 23 This is not feasible based on the existing drainage laws and other jurisdictions that will not allow <br /> 24 a City to discharge more water downstream than currently is being done. <br /> 25 The City of St. Anthony is attempting to find a solution that will minimize the impact to <br /> 26 residents at a reasonable cost. WSB is suggesting to use the parks to hold water on a temporary <br /> 27 basis. It would not be in WSB's best interest to transfer the problem from one area to another. <br /> 28 Mr. Willenbring stated that if after the soil borings are received, it is determined that the water <br /> 29 will run through the soil toward the houses, an imperviable clay can be added to prevent this. <br /> 30 The process will include obtaining a detailed soil analysis, checking the water table and how <br /> 31 impervious the soil in this area is. <br /> Mayor Ranallo reported that when the City was attempting to obtain funding, one thing that was <br /> is stressed and the reason the request was approved by the DNR,was that the proposed solution <br /> 34 would not transfer water to another location. <br />