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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • June 23, 1998 <br /> Page 15 <br /> 1 Ms. Smith asked if there would be a gate during construction. <br /> 2 Mr. Hubmer stated there will be. The entire site will be blocked off. <br /> 3 Unidentified resident, suggested that holding ponds be installed in the industrial park where all <br /> 4 the buildings sit empty. <br /> 5 Mr. Hubmer stated that area is considerably higher ground. <br /> 6 Bruce Troop, 301 Avenue NE, asked if problem area#5 was a "done deal". He stated his <br /> 7 neighbor Mr. Swanson was present at the last Council meeting and was told that his land would <br /> 8 be condemned if he did not sell it to the City. He suggested that the City will also be taking his <br /> 9 land and asked why he had not been notified. <br /> 10 Mr. Hubmer explained that WSB is in the process of determining which areas need construction <br /> 11 of another holding pond. The Council has authorized WSB to acquire the properties and. <br /> 12 meetings will be held next month to discuss the findings with property owners. The first step is <br /> 13 for WSB to define the impact to the area. <br /> Mr. Troop asked if the City would take his land if he did not want to sell it. He stated he has no <br /> 5 problems with flooding. He stated he was more concerned with the process. <br /> 16 Mayor Ranallo explained this has been an ongoing process since July 15, 1997. At this point <br /> 17 nothing is a "done deal" and that is why a public hearing is being held this evening. <br /> 18 Sue Wacher, 2813 30'h Avenue, questioned why she had not been notified that her yard was to be <br /> 19 made into a holding pond. <br /> 20 Cavanaugh explained that this process has been ongoing since last summer. Silver Point and <br /> 21 Central Parks are the first areas to be addressed. When her property is addressed she will be <br /> 22 notified. <br /> 23 Sue Kozarek, explained that this process has been going on for a year. The meetings have been <br /> 24 public and were well attended and provided an opportunity to see the proposals and give input. <br /> 25 She stated she believed that everyone had a fair shake at providing input. She acknowledged that <br /> 26 some residents will be adversely affected by the proposal but noted that others have already been <br /> 27 adversely affected by the flooding. <br /> 28 Mr. Swanson, 3020 Silver Lake Road, stated he had discovered that he would be affected by <br /> 29 reading between the lines of the newspaper. He stated he attended a Council meeting where a <br /> resolution was passed that gave the City Manager and the engineer authorization to acquire his <br /> and the neighbor's land. <br />