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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 23, 1998 <br /> • <br /> Page 16 <br /> 1 Mayor Ranallo stated this was not true. The resolution authorized the City Manager to look at <br /> 2 the property and sit with the residents to discuss the purchase of that property for use as a holding <br /> 3 pond. <br /> 4 Mr. Swanson stated his neighbors were not aware of this situation until he and his wife started <br /> 5 notifying them. He noted that Mr. Hubmer says the City cannot pass the problem onto another <br /> 6 neighbor but they are passing it on to his neighbors without any notification and he resents this. <br /> 7 He stated he did not have a flooding problem, does not want to sell his land, and asked that the <br /> 8 City just leave him alone. <br /> 9 Mr. Lomar, stated he would like to speak in defense of the City Council and the Storm Water <br /> 10 Task Force. This is the first Council in 42 years who has had the guts to tackle the problem and <br /> 11 come up with a practical, relatively inexpensive solution. The Task Force put in over 100 man <br /> 12 hours since last August. Residents had an opportunity to be involved in the Task Force meetings <br /> 13 and it is a little late now to come here and ask questions that should have been asked at those <br /> 14 meetings. He stated this is a waste of everyone's time. He stated that Peter Willenbring and <br /> 15 Todd Hubmer are part of a group of the best engineers in the State of Minnesota. <br /> 16 Stanley Kosal, 2801 Silver Lake Road, stated he was fortunate to have no water in his basement <br /> and no need for a sump pump. He stated that Peter Willenbring and Todd Hubmer have done <br /> good work. He noted that gravity systems have worked for centuries. He was willing to give the <br /> 19 proposal a try. <br /> 20 Mr. Willenbring explained that the process has included the City authorizing an engineering <br /> 21 study (feasibility report)to be done. This determined a range of options of solutions to correct <br /> 22 the problem. It was determined that it would cost a minimum of$6 million to build the <br /> 23 necessary improvements. The City did not have the funds available but has been very successful <br /> 24 in obtaining a large amount of funding. A public hearing is now being held and residents are <br /> 25 now being notified as there is now a reasonable description of the project. The City will then <br /> 26 authorize WSB to proceed with the plans and specifications of the proposal. <br /> 27 Motion by Faust, second by Thuesen to close the public hearing at 9:37 p.m. <br /> 28 Mornson noted that the Council had given WSB authorization to look at the plans and <br /> 29 specifications for this project at the May 26, 1998 Council meeting contingent on this public <br /> 30 hearing. <br /> 31 Motion by Faust, second by Marks to authorize WSB to move forward with the redevelopment <br /> 32 of Central Park and Silver Point Park. <br /> WMotion carried unanimously. <br />