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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 23, 1998 <br /> Page 17 <br /> 1 Marks asked if close coordination with the Park Commission in regard to the layout of the parks <br /> 2 is anticipated. <br /> 3 Morrison stated that WSB will be included on the first or second agenda of the Parks <br /> 4 Commission. <br /> 5 IX. NEW BUSINESS. <br /> 6 A. Resolution 98-052, re: Approve Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan. <br /> 7 Todd Hubmer, WSB and Associates,reported that the City of St. Anthony began this process the <br /> 8 winter of 1996 and has notified the Metropolitan Council that it will be adopting it's Water <br /> 9 Resources Management Plan this evening. The Plan has been sent to the Rice Creek Watershed <br /> 10 District(RCWD), Middle Mississippi Watershed Management Organization(MMWMO), <br /> 11 Metropolitan Council, Hennepin Soil and Water Conservation District(HSWCD), and the <br /> 12 Ramsey Soil and Water Conservation District(RSWCD), for their review and approval on <br /> 13 August 7, 1997. Comments were received from the Metropolitan Council, the RSWCD, and the <br /> 14 RWCD. <br /> 15 Mr. Hubmer reported a letter dated June 5, 1998, was received by the City from the Silver Lake <br /> 16 Homeowners Association Water Quality Committee. This letter included six points of <br /> is consideration and Mr. Hubmer responded to each in the following manner: <br /> 18 1. What is the City's plan for the RCWD recommendation that the City be more proactive <br /> 19 before development occurs? We would support the City taking a proactive position on <br /> 20 water quality issues in this Resource Management Plan. <br /> 21 Mr. Hubmer stated the City could not become more proactive because the City is fully developed <br /> 22 in the watershed tributary to Silver Lake. The City has, as part of this plan, committed to looking <br /> 23 at water quality issues as redevelopment within this watershed occurs. WSB would welcome <br /> 24 recommendations from the Silver Lake Homeowners Association for a more proactive position <br /> 25 on water quality. <br /> 26 2. WSB & Associates has made statements regarding treatment of water flowing into Silver <br /> 27 Lake which seem to minimize the true extent of water draining into Silver Lake <br /> 28 untreated. Todd E. Hubmer, P.E., letter to RCWD Engineer Derek Knapp, dated April 9, <br /> 29 1998 page#4, paragraph 3, last sentence "the City of St. Anthony has very little drainage <br /> 30 area tributary Silver Lake which is not pretreated." Although this statement does not <br /> 31 appear to be a part of this report it appears to be used by Mr. Hubmer to justify the City <br /> 32 of St. Anthony's failure to include a comprehensive plan for the storm water run-off that <br /> 33 flows directly into Silver Lake untreated. We have marked those areas that are currently <br /> 34 untreated on the attached map. We are concerned with these areas flowing into Silver <br /> Lake and the fact that this plan does not address these areas as requested by the RCWD <br /> 4k Engineer. (a-e then listed the areas left untreated) <br />