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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • August 11, 1998 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 Cavanaugh clarified there is no plan for adoption at the meeting tomorrow but it may be the <br /> 2 beginning for discussions about the plan. He stated there has not been a lot of fact finding or <br /> 3 discussion held yet so he had the impression the meeting would be followed by another meeting. <br /> 4 Morrison concurred it will be the first meeting of a series of meetings. <br /> 5 Mayor Ranallo explained that members of the task force will be in attendance but it is not a <br /> 6 Council meeting. He stated the Council wants to first see what the task force has put together <br /> 7 and then the Council will review it. <br /> 8 Don Burr, 2417 30th Avenue NE, stated he has observed that as the City is constructing new <br /> 9 streets and tearing up old asphalt, for entire City blocks,no additional storm sewers are being put <br /> 10 in. He stated he understands they are downhill grade and the strategy is to allow water to drain <br /> 11 downgrade to the low point where there is a means for water to exit to the storm water system. <br /> 12 Mr. Burr stated that he has also observed that the City of Minneapolis, on virtually every city <br /> 13 block,has a means for water to enter into the storm water system. He suggested that allowing <br /> 14 water to travel for more than one block allows a larger accumulation of water than can be <br /> 15 accommodated by the grate going into the storm water system, especially if that grate is blocked <br /> 16 by leaves or twigs. He stated he is frustrated by the fact that the City is spending a lot of money <br /> to upgrade the roads but not upgrading the storm sewer system, especially since there are so <br /> 8 many problems in the lower part of the City, 33rd Avenue and southward. Mr. Burr suggested <br /> 19 that during future planning of road upgrades, the City seriously consider the addition of storm <br /> 20 water systems, as is being done by the City of Minneapolis. <br /> 21 Jim Kozarek, 4029 Shamrock Drive, spoke in favor of the efforts of the task force and City to <br /> 22 alleviate flooding. He advised that after the July storm, his house had 6.5 feet of water in the <br /> 23 finished basement, within 18 inches of reaching first floor. He stated that since then they have <br /> 24 spent thousands of dollars (no insurance coverage)to correct that damage. Mr. Kozarek stated he <br /> 25 is amazed that some think there is no flooding problem, and if it floods it is the resident's <br /> 26 problem and they should have known better. He maintained the City's storm water system is not <br /> 27 adequate but the City has taken a proactive stance to hire a consultant, obtain grant funds, and <br /> 28 study the issues. Mr. Kozarek stated St. Anthony Village is a mature community with little open <br /> 29 space and a correction may result in a sacrifice. He asked that 115 of the time spent fighting be <br /> 30 used, instead, to work with the City's engineering consultant,the task force, and the City to find <br /> 31 a solution to stem the problem. He stated the litigation is blocking attempts to solve the <br /> 32 problems, and these problems will not go away. <br /> 33 Jane Hintz, 3503 Maplewood Drive, stated she serves on the task force and just learned about the <br /> 34 petition which may stop all of the work they have been doing for the past year. She stated she <br /> 35 understands this concern but to halt the entire project because of one area bothers her <br /> tremendously. Ms. Hintz stated that the activity of the task force has been well published. She <br /> stated her property was not damaged by flooding but she wanted to become involved. She stated <br /> 38 she supports hiring other engineers but not halting the project which should move forward. <br />