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CC MINUTES 08111998
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 08111998
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 11, 1998 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Due to the receipt of the petition, Cavanaugh asked if the Council has determined to proceed <br /> 2 with the process. Mayor Ranallo stated the process can proceed up to the point where <br /> 3 construction is ordered. He suggested the meeting tomorrow night be held, as scheduled. <br /> 4 Cavanaugh stated it is his understanding that an EAW is part of the process and would not stop <br /> 5 the process. He reviewed the language of the petition with regard-to impacts of the project which <br /> 6 would be evaluated. He stated the City may have to modify the plan or come under some <br /> 7 constraints but that would not stop the project. Cavanaugh stated this is a good State law <br /> 8 designed to protect the City and good government from an environmental perspective but it will <br /> 9 not stop the project. Also, new solutions may result from this problem but solving the storm <br /> 10 drainage problems will still occur. Cavanaugh clarified this is just another step in the process <br /> 11 and a routine process established in the State of Minnesota. He commented on the need for good <br /> 12 legal counsel on the EAW process. <br /> 13 Mayor Ranallo noted that with the Apache petition, an EAW was not needed. <br /> 14 Marks stated there are two reasons to rebuild the streets; change the surface of the street and <br /> 15 address cracking, and address the utility infrastructure contained under the streets. If the <br /> �16 engineer has declared the infrastructure is adequate, no changes would be made. <br /> �T7 Marks noted that in 1971 the City of Minneapolis offered St. Anthony the opportunity to join in <br /> 18. expanding the storm sewer system and St. Anthony elected not to join so Minneapolis has a <br /> 19 larger system. <br /> 20 Mr. Burr stated maybe that would be a possibility today since the system today is not adequate <br /> 21 and in looking at examples of other cities,he believes this should be evaluated before proceeding <br /> 22 with new street projects in 1999. He stated he would also like larger pipes installed when the <br /> 23 streets are reconstructed which would be the best time financially to do so. <br /> 24 Mornson reported that a meeting will be held with the PCA regarding reimbursement of costs for <br /> 25 clean up. <br /> 26 Mornson advised the survey is available at the library and City Hall. <br /> 27 Mornson updated the Council on the 1998 Street Project which has reached closure,noting the <br /> 28 nice letters received from residents. He advised that 33rd Avenue will be done in two weeks and <br /> 29 the water tower work and new logo should be completed by Labor Day. Also, work will start on <br /> 30 the St. Anthony Boulevard and Kenzie Terrace sidewalk project. <br /> 31 Mornson provided a recap of the budget workshop from last week where the Council viewed the <br /> draft budget. The next decision will be at the September 8 Council meeting where a resolution <br /> will be considered on the 1999 tax levy. Mornson reviewed the future meeting schedule and <br /> 34 decisions that will be made at each step in the process. <br />
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