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1 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> September 28, 1999 <br /> • Page 6 <br /> 1 suggestion stating that he thought the City had planned on implementing the new signs. He also <br /> 2 mentioned that he believed that Hudson, Wisconsin has similar language on City signs. <br /> 3 Marks recapped by stating that he is looking forward to upcoming Sister City events and <br /> 4 reminded the Council that he will not be available to be the City Councilmember to the Sister <br /> 5 City organization next year. <br /> 6 Faust asked if a motion was needed to implement the new signs for the City. Ranallo stated that <br /> 7 City Staff would research the project and present cost estimates to the Council. <br /> 8 Faust stated that on September 16, he attended a Fiscal Future Policies Committee meeting from <br /> 9 the League of Minnesota Cities organization. This was the final meeting for the adoption of the <br /> 10 fiscal future policies as they relate to cities. The policies will be presented at the General <br /> 11 Adoption Committee meeting that is held November 19, 1999. Faust encouraged the <br /> 12 community to attend the meeting as some of the issues that will be presented could have an <br /> 13 impact on St. Anthony from a financial point of view. <br /> 14 Faust reported that he had attended a meeting for the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities <br /> 5 that included a briefing about metropolitan government. A survey had been performed and it <br /> was determined that there is substantial support for the Association and its platform. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Faust was the Council liaison at the Planning Commission meeting on September 21, 1999, and <br /> 19 reported on the Council's activities. He stated he was pleased to see all the Commissioners pres- <br /> 20 ent and it was a delight to see all the new faces and enthusiasm. Faust stated that it was invigo- <br /> 21 rating to share philosophies and ideas, and he would encourage an open dialogue between both <br /> 22 the Parks Commission and the Planning Commission with the Council. This communication <br /> 23 would create a stronger bond and thus benefit both the residents and the City in facilitating busi- <br /> 24 ness. <br /> 25 Faust related that he had attended a meeting with some organizations that were taking a stern <br /> 26 look at Tax Increment Financing (TIF). The concerns of the organizations were faxed to the <br /> 27 League of Minnesota Cities for input on the impact TIF financing would have on the City. <br /> 28 Faust reported that he had a meeting with Governor Jesse Ventura and spoke with him about a <br /> 29 number of issues. Mr. Ventura was cordial and friendly, and Faust enjoyed their meeting. Faust <br /> 30 felt the meeting was beneficial in many respects, as well as providing an avenue for the City to <br /> 31 continue discussions in the future. <br /> 32 Thuesen wished to follow up on the discussion of city government and youth. He stated that, last <br /> 33 spring, he taught a class on city government for elementary school students, and it was encourag- <br /> ing to see the youth's interest and enthusiasm. The students were able to arrive at different <br /> 35 angles for solutions to issues. Thuesen stated he had met with the new principal at Wilshire Park <br />