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City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> September 28, 1999 <br /> • Page 7 <br /> 1 and offered his services if the school would be interested in further discussions on city <br /> 2 government. <br /> 3 Thuesen also attended the League of Minnesota Cities Conference and stated he enjoyed the ses- <br /> 4 sion regarding youth involvement in city government. He would encourage exploring the <br /> 5 concept of a youth council for the City. <br /> 6 Thuesen commented on a sentence from the August 17, 1999 Planning Commission meeting <br /> 7 minutes wherein there had apparently been a discussion between a Commissioner and a City <br /> 8 Councilmember about enforcement of compliance issues. Thuesen cautioned the Council about <br /> 9. the necessity of discussing issues as a group as opposed to on an individual basis. <br /> 10 C. Mayor. <br /> 11 Ranallo disclosed that one of the City's police officers had been in a serous accident, but had <br /> 12 escaped with relatively minor injuries and was recovering well. The officer had been on a call <br /> 13 and was going through a red light when he was broadsided. Ranallo explained that if that officer <br /> 14 had a type of equipment in his squad car called an "Opticom," that the accident could have been <br /> 15 avoided. Ranallo clarified that "Opticom" is an attachment for a squad car, fire truck, or similar <br /> �6 vehicle, that when implemented, will automatically give opposite traffic a red light and the <br /> �j vehicle with Opticom a green light. The Opticom equipment has been included into the City's <br /> 18 budget, but the budget has not yet been approved. Ranallo requested that City Staff begin <br /> 19 researching the facts for obtaining and installing the Opticom equipment so that when the budget <br /> 20 is approved, the equipment can immediately be purchased and installed. All of the traffic lights <br /> 21 in Minnesota have the reception for the Opticom equipment, but the equipment needs to be <br /> 22 installed into the vehicles. <br /> 23 VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS. None. <br /> 24 IX. NEW BUSINESS. <br /> 25 A. Approval of Election Judge List for the November 2, 1999 Local General Election. <br /> 26 Motion by Marks, second by Faust,to approve the Election Judge List for the November 2, 1999 <br /> 27 Local General Election, and also to approve the following City Hall Staff to act as official wit- <br /> 28 nesses for absentee voting purposes: Judy Monson, Sandy Simon, Pat Laughter, and Gerri <br /> 29 Harrier. <br /> 30 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 31 IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. <br /> 32 Cavanaugh inquired about the absence of a City Manager's report for the meeting. Ms. Moore- <br /> 33 stated that, in light of the absence of the City Manager, there would not be a report for this <br /> meeting. <br />