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CC MINUTES 02082000
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 02082000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • February 8, 2000 <br /> Page 12 <br /> 1 to decrease the level of liability by incorporating a firing range into the new public works <br /> 2 facility. <br /> 3 Thuesen offered that he would be reluctant to rely on outsourcing the range in order to justify the <br /> 4 project. The justification for the project stands alone, he stated, and he believed the Council <br /> 5 should explore funding for the project. <br /> 6 Horst requested clarification for the parking stalls as depicted on the proposal. Mr. Ohl stated <br /> 7 that the Department is requesting approximately seven spots at the Public Works Facility in <br /> 8 which to house the Department's vehicles from the elements. <br /> 9 Horst wished to confirm that impounded or confiscated vehicles would not be internally stored, <br /> 10 and Mr. Ohl assured him that interior storage would strictly be for Police Department vehicles. <br /> 11 Mr. Ohl stated that the Police Department is mandated by the State to forfeit certain vehicles <br /> 12 from DWI offenders and storage for those vehicles has become a burden for the Department. <br /> 13 The Police Department expects to require storage space for as many as 10-15 vehicles at any one <br /> -14 time. <br /> Cavanaugh reminded the Council that the firing range is about 10% of the total project. He re- <br /> 0 quested that Mr. Thistle, Capt. John Ohl, City Finance Director Roger Larson, and City Manager <br /> 17 Michael Morrison work together to arrive at numbers for the total cost of the firing range so that <br /> 18 the Council could appreciate the costs that are being considered. <br /> 19 Cavanaugh requested research and a memo from City Manager Michael Morrison regarding the <br /> 20 issue of possible liability for the City due to potentially inadequate training. Since Mr. Ohl has <br /> 21 mentioned there could be a potential for liability, the City needs to address that issue at length <br /> 22 and reconsider existing training practices. It had been Cavanaugh's understanding that there was <br /> 23 not a deficiency in training. <br /> 24 Mr. Ohl was prompt in assuring the Council that alternative ranges would be found and consid- <br /> 25 ered for training, and that there would not be a lapse in training. However, those ranges are ex- <br /> 26 pensive, and Mr. Ohl stated that he was simply proposing a future way for the Council to provide <br /> 27 excellent and potentially less expensive training for the Police Department. <br /> 28 Cavanaugh thanked Mr. Ohl for his presentation, ideas, and suggestions. <br /> 29 On another issue,Ms. Schultz addressed the findings on the proposed new fire station. It is a <br /> 30 possibility, she stated, to house the station on the public works site. There is room there, she <br /> 31 said, yet some compromises might need to be reached in order to fit both facilities on the same <br /> site. She is suggesting a fire station comprising of approximately 9,000-10,000 square feet. <br />
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