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CC MINUTES 02082000
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 02082000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • February 8, 2000 <br /> Page 13 <br /> 1 Sparks inquired about the need for a new fire station. Momson responded that the current station <br /> 2 is located by the St. Anthony Shopping Center, which is being redeveloped. Although the <br /> 3 current fire station meets the needs of the community, the possibility has arisen that a new <br /> 4 location for a fire station could be needed and the City is trying to determine if costs would be <br /> 5 saved if both the fire station and public works facility was built at the same time. Additionally, <br /> 6 Morrison stated that some interest has been expressed by a developer to purchase the site of the <br /> 7 current fire station due to the redevelopment of the Shopping Center. <br /> 8 Hodson expressed concern whether the developer's interest was bonafide. Morrison said the in- <br /> 9 terest is real, but a dollar figure had not been negotiated. <br /> 10 Ms. Schultz asked for direction from the Council in regard to the Space Needs Report and the <br /> 11 next step. <br /> 12 In response to a concern about the total cost of the public works building, Ms. Schultz responded <br /> 13 that construction costs continue to rise and are rising at approximately 12%. <br /> 14 Sparks asked what could be done to make the project more financially manageable. In other <br /> words, would it be possible for the City to provide for an excellent facility, yet be able to reduce <br /> 6 the total cost in some areas? <br /> 17 Ms. Schultz stated that the recommendation of SEH provides for a building that would last for a <br /> 18 - long time and provide for the optimal use and management of the public works department. <br /> 19 She further stated that she needs the Council to inform SEH of the total figure that can be funded <br /> 20 and then SEH will rework the design and return to the Council with a different plan. <br /> 21 Morrison confirmed that the City would request for SEH to suspend the project until the Council <br /> 22 could determine the total dollar figure that the City is comfortable with using. <br /> 23 In that respect, Cavanaugh directed Mr. Thistle to research options for the City to incorporate a <br /> 24 total dollar figure into the budget. <br /> 25 Thuesen expressed concern about compromising the building and the City's vision for the public <br /> 26 works department by cutting costs. He was apprehensive about ignoring the recommendations of <br /> 27 SEH in order to reduce the total dollar figure. <br /> 28 Cavanaugh stated that the building is currently providing an opportunity for the Public Works <br /> 29 Staff to provide services, but he suggested increasing the base of the current building by a <br /> smaller amount than recommended by SEH in the Space Needs Report. Additionally, he <br /> recommended resolving the code compliance and storage issues associated with the current <br /> 32 building. <br />
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