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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • April 11, 2000 <br /> Page 10 <br /> 1 1. Nativity Lutheran Church for 3312 Silver Lake Road, Setback Variance Request <br /> 2 and consideration of Resolution 00-030, a Resolution Relating to 3312 Silver <br /> 3 Lake Road Variance Request. <br /> 4 City Manager Mornson introduced William Thomas, a member of the Planning Commis- <br /> 5 sion, and invited him to address the Council. <br /> 6 Mr. Thomas began by reviewing the background of the variance request for Nativity <br /> 7 Lutheran Church. In September 1999, a representative from the Church filed a sign per- <br /> 8 mit with Staff to "change the sign out front." The intention was to change the sign so that <br /> 9 it would be easier to maintain and have a more updated appearance. The location, dimen- <br /> 10 sions, footings, electrical wiring, and base would remain the same. <br /> I l During the course of the permit process, it was discovered that the sign was in the City's <br /> 12 right-of-way. However, the sign had been in existence since 1958, and was installed <br /> 13 prior to the City's ordinance being codified in 1976. In other words, the existing sign <br /> 14 was "grandfathered" into the ordinance. <br /> 15 Additionally, a resident had called Staff to complain about the existing sign being located <br /> in the City's right-of-way. A legal opinion from City Attorney William Soth was <br /> obtained, and a public hearing was held. No objections to the location of the sign were <br /> 18 voiced at the public hearing. <br /> 19 It was the Planning Commission's determination to allow for the variance due to five <br /> 20 hardship reasons, with the understanding that the City would enter into a license agree- <br /> 21 ment (pursuant to City Attorney Soth's recommendations)that would enable the City to <br /> 22 . require removal of the sign if and when it was deemed appropriate. - <br /> 23 Furthermore, Thomas stated that he has been made aware of other businesses within the <br /> 24 City that are in noncompliance with the local ordinances, and it has been recommended <br /> 25 that the Planning Commission arrive at a consistent policy in which to regulate these mat- <br /> 26 ters. <br /> 27 Hodson expressed disappointment at the time that the City has been required to spend on <br /> 28 this matter. He felt that the Church and the sign had been in existence since 1958, and <br /> 29 this issue needed to resolved and completed without further ado. <br /> 30 Motion by'Sparks to approve Resolution 00-030, a Resolution Relating to 3312 Silver <br /> 31 Lake Road Variance Request, wherein the St. Anthony Planning Commission heard the <br /> 32 request from Nativity Lutheran Church, 3312 Silver Lake Road, at their March 21, 2000 <br /> meeting and made recommendation to the City Council to approve the setback variance <br /> due to the following reasons: <br />