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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • April 11, 2000 <br /> Page 11 <br /> 1 1. An undue hardship would be caused if the sign was moved and subsequently <br /> 2 caused a change to the configuration of the Church and configuration of the traffic <br /> 3 pattern; <br /> 4 2. The variance would be utilized to correct an extraordinary circumstance with re- <br /> 5 spect to the traffic pattern and the setting of the lot; <br /> 6 3. The undue hardship has been caused by the city ordinance and the sign was in ex- <br /> 7 istence prior to the codification of the ordinance; <br /> 8 4.. The agreement mentioned and recommended in City Attorney's letter dated <br /> 9 March 1, 2000•would be entered into and become.part of the setback variance; <br /> 10 5. There were not any significant changes to the sign in the modification and <br /> 11 updating process. <br /> 12 The City Council of the City of St. Anthony hereby approves the request made by <br /> 13 Nativity Lutheran Church, 3312 Silver Lake'Road, for a setback variance for placement <br /> 14 of a sign due to the aforementioned reasons. <br /> 15 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> On another issue, Thomas noted that the Planning Commission has been considering various op- <br /> tions in which to reduce the number of variance requests received. In this respect, Thomas <br /> 18 directed the Council's attention to Kim Tillmann's report on the lot coverage ordinance, as well <br /> 19 as a letter from Todd Hubmer dated April 6, 2000. <br /> 20 In essence, the Planning Commission has researched the issue and obtained a professional <br /> 21 opinion from WSB &Associates, and determined that a viable option to reducing the number of <br /> 22 variance requests would be to: <br /> 23 1. Increase the lot coverage ratio to 40% for lots at or under 9,000 square feet; <br /> 24 2. Lots over 9,000 square foot would retain the current 35% lot coverage ratio; <br /> 25 3. Decks would be exempt from lot coverage as long as the deck was built over a <br /> 26 pervious surface; and <br /> 27 4. When a resident applies for a building permit,they would be asked to submit a <br /> 28 water retention plan that would be a part of the building process. Additionally, an <br /> 29 educational brochure would be provided at the time of the permit application to <br /> 30 provide more information and education. When the permit is returned, the <br /> 31 resident would be asked to submit 2-3 paragraphs outlining the homeowner's plan <br /> to provide for storm water runoff. <br />