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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 04112000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 11, 2000 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 Horst expressed motivation to move forward with the project, however, he had concern that this <br /> 2 was the first public testimony heard and he would like to discuss it further with the community. <br /> 3 Various informal questions were fielded from the audience. One resident asked about the poten- <br /> 4 tial cost from the project to individual homeowners. Mr. Hubmer responded to the question by <br /> 5 stating that 29th Avenue is a state-aid street and the funds have been allocated. However, upon <br /> 6 further investigation of state-aid standards, he will be able to determine if the City would be re- <br /> 1 sponsible for the cost difference between decorative lighting and standard lighting. In other <br /> 8 words, there is the possibility that state-aid would cover only the cost for standard lighting. <br /> 9 Horst reaffirmed that the basic construction of the sidewalks and landscaping would be the City's <br /> 10 expense. Additionally, Horst stated that the City would shoulder the responsibility for mainte- <br /> nance of the sidewalks. <br /> 12 Hodson reiterated his earlier comment that he would like additional feedback from the <br /> 13 community regarding other options that would be acceptable, and he asked for specific <br /> 14 comments. <br /> Horst agreed that this issue was argued substantially last year, but he felt it was a reasonable con- <br /> 0 sideration to revisit this issue and.was surprised that the residents did not feel the addition of <br /> 17 sidewalks would be an amenity. <br /> 18 A resident from the audience stated that privacy was an important issue with most residents be- <br /> 19 cause the sidewalk would be close to the front of the homes along 29th Avenue, and she did not <br /> 20 believe a safety factor should be a factor. <br /> 21 Horst responded that safety was an issue because, with the current street improvements, pedestri- <br /> 22 ans would be forced closer to traffic. <br /> 23 Sparks confirmed that chokers were a feature desired by the residents, and that the Council could <br /> 24 have actually added more, but that it would decrease the amount of space in which pedestrians <br /> 25 would have to walk. <br /> 26 Cavanaugh explained that the sidewalks are included in the project through state-aid because <br /> 27 29th Avenue is considered to be a main thoroughfare. 29th Avenue, he stated, would take on the <br /> 28 characteristics of an internal residential street, even though it is a busy road. The sidewalks <br /> 29 would be intended to act as a refuge and, in conjunction with the chokers and trees, would make <br /> 30 the street have a more residential feel and would calm traffic. Sidewalks on major streets are in <br /> 31 the City's Comprehensive Plan, he stated, and the Comprehensive Plan was directed by the <br /> community. Although Cavanaugh stated the proposed plan is not perfect, he believed it to be a <br /> 46 fair plan. <br />
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