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CC MINUTES 04112000
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 04112000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> . April 11, 2000 <br /> Page 5 <br /> I Comprehensive Plan and recommendations of the community as a whole. Additionally, Horst <br /> 2 expressed confusion regarding the objection to sidewalks in light of the potential benefits to the <br /> 3 residents,particularly once decorative lighting and appropriate landscaping were implemented. <br /> 4 Sparks offered that, in looking back, it would have been beneficial to have had an informal meet- <br /> 5 ing with the residents to present the concept and inquire if compromises could be discussed and <br /> 6 acceptance could be obtained. Sparks agreed with Michele Schram regarding the potential safety <br /> 7 issues in having busy streets without sidewalks. In this respect, Sparks relayed an incident she <br /> 8 had witnessed recently where a mother was walking on the street, pulling a wagon with children. <br /> 9 Unbeknownst to the mother, one of the children climbed out of the wagon and, consequently, <br /> 10 into the street. Luckily there were not any cars close by, but the potential was there for an <br /> 11 accident to occur. <br /> 12 Additionally, Sparks relayed that she had performed research on her own regarding safety and <br /> 13 sidewalks. The research concluded that the residents at the highest risk for pedestrian accidents <br /> 14 were senior citizens. Sparks believed that if the City and residents could find a way to <br /> 15 implement sidewalks that it would be worth the effort, particularly in light of safety. <br /> Hodson offered that he is new to the Council and this issue, but has observed the resistance <br /> expressed at this meeting to the sidewalks. Although he agreed with Sparks about the potential <br /> 18 safety issues without sidewalks, he asked the residents in attendance if that would be a compro- <br /> 19 mise available. One suggestion, he offered, was to incorporate a bike/walk path along the side of <br /> 20 the street that could be used specifically for walking and/or biking. The area could still be <br /> 21 calmed with trees and landscaping. <br /> 22 Cavanaugh noted Councilmember Brian Thuesen's absence, but wished to state that Thuesen <br /> 23 was supportive of the project. Cavanaugh noted that of the residents who spoke before the <br /> 24 Council, five were against, and three were supportive of the project. Additionally, Cavanaugh <br /> 25 stated that he had received a letter from someone that resides at 25th and Harding, that supported <br /> 26 sidewalks on every major street, and he had participated in discussions with other residents that <br /> 27 were supportive of the project. <br /> 28 Cavanugh continued by stating that the Council has attempted to address the outstanding issues <br /> 29 along 29th Avenue, which include the speed of traffic and to make the street have a more <br /> 30 residential appearance by installing decorative lighting and landscaping. This project could set <br /> 31 the standard for other streets regarding uniformity in lighting and landscaping. <br /> 32 Cavanaugh reassured the audience that he believed that Council is listening to the community be- <br /> 33 cause the community has spoken through the City's Comprehensive Plan. Cavanaugh agreed <br /> _Ig with Sparks and her suggestion to have more informal input from the public. Additionally, <br /> Cavanaugh would suggest that the Parks Commission work with the community on the standards <br /> 36 of the lighting issue so that all streets would have the same lighting package. <br />
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