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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 23, 2000 <br /> • Page 9 <br /> 1 Mayor Cavanaugh introduced Randy Stille, Planning Commissioner, and invited him to <br /> 2 address the Council. Mr. Stille stated that the Planning Commission has been working <br /> 3 diligently regarding the best route for Apache Plaza. In that respect, John Shardlow, with <br /> 4 the firm of DSU, was retained by the City to assist in the plans and redevelopment of <br /> 5 Apache Plaza. Ordinance No. 2000-002 has been drafted with the input of the Planning <br /> 6 Commission, City Attorney William Soth, and DSU. <br /> 7 Mr. Stille invited John Shardlow to address the Council. Mr. Shardlow provided a brief <br /> 8 overview of the PUD for the community and audience. The PU,D ordinance which is <br /> 9 being proposed would replace the existing PUD section in the City Code. The existing <br /> 10 requirements limits the amount of commercial to 20%. <br /> 11 Furthermore, the new commercial mixed-use designation would be a separate floating <br /> 12 district that could be applied for anywhere in the community. Mr. Shardlow continued by <br /> 13 stating that PUDs need to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Consequently, the <br /> 14 change that has been recommended will go to the Metropolitan Council to create the new <br /> 15 commercial mixed-use district. Within that area,there are currently a number of different <br /> 16 land uses. In that respect, Mr. Shardlow presented a sketch depicting the different areas <br /> 0 of land uses. <br /> 18 Mr. Shardlow continued his presentation by giving a brief overview of the differences <br /> 19 between a PUD and regular zoning. In essence, Mr. Shardlow stated that the PUD allows <br /> 20 for flexibility from setbacks and other restrictions provided the City has reviewed a plan. <br /> 21 Some believe that a PUD gives developers Carte Blanche, but that is not true. The City <br /> 22 would have the option to vary from the plan, such as saving trees, etc. <br /> 23 Hodson acknowledged that considerable amount of time that has been spent by City <br /> 24 Manager Michael Morrison, Assistant City Manager Spencer Isom, the Planning <br /> 25 Commission, and City Attorney Bill Soth in researching the PUD issue. <br /> 26 Sparks inquired about the incorporation of performance standards into the PUD. Mr. <br /> 27 Shardlow responded that there are always underlying performance standards, but the City <br /> 28 can custom-design a zoning district, and incorporate all the exhibits when relying on <br /> 29 making an approval. For example, any exhibits submitted by the applicant that are <br /> 30 relevant to the City's ultimate decision, can be incorporated into the plan and recorded. <br /> 31 Cavanaugh inquired if water quality would be part of the PUD discussion with Hillcrest. <br /> 32 Mr. Shardlow stated it would be and that Hillcrest has dealt with water quality issues <br /> 33 before, or at least Hillcrest's counsel has dealt with those issues. <br /> • Cavanaugh thanked Randy Stille and John Shardlow for their attendance and <br /> 35 presentation. <br />