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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 23, 2000 <br /> • Page 10 <br /> 1 Motion by Thuesen to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2000-006, an Ordinance <br /> 2 Relating to Zoning and Planned Unit Developments; Amending Section 1655 of the St. <br /> 3 Anthony Code of Ordinances in its Entirety. <br /> 4 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 5 B. Ci1y Manager. <br /> 6 City Manager Michael Mornson discussed various dates and times for a Council worksession. It <br /> 7 was agreed that a worksession would be scheduled for July 25, 2000 from 3:00-- 6:00 p.m. <br /> 8 Mornson further reported that the City is finishing the first year of the Community Services <br /> 9 Officer Program. The grant for the program was about to expire, but the City recently received <br /> 10 word that a grant would be provided for the second year. <br /> 11 Mornson stated that a 1/2-day worksession would be held next week with a facilitator and <br /> 12 Executive City Staff to put the final touches on the goal setting report: This report will contain <br /> 13 the goals, objectives, and action steps. The report would be passively presented to the Council <br /> 14 and would be a working document. <br /> Additionally, the next City Council meeting would be held on June,13, 2000. As a reminder, <br /> 16 there will be a joint meeting with the Parks Commission on June 12, 2000. <br /> 17 Mornson reminded the Council that the League of City Conferences would be held on June 14, <br /> 18 15 and 16 and he encouraged the Councilmembers to attend all or part of the days. <br /> 19 Lastly, Mornson stated that he has enrolled in a City Manager's course and as part of the course, <br /> 20 the Department Heads and City Council will be asked to complete a personal development form <br /> 21 for Mornson. He asked the Councilmembers to look for the form in the near future. <br /> 22 XI. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS. <br /> 23 Horst did not have a report. <br /> 24 Hodson stated that some residents concerned with the water quality issue on Silver Lake had <br /> 25 contacted him. The residents would like the Council to consider a 15-20 year plan and a longer- <br /> 26 term approach to providing correction to the water quality problem. <br /> 27 Mornson offered that a response would be sent to the homeowners around the Silver Lake area <br /> 28 alerting them to the fact that the City is considering options regarding the issue. <br /> Thuesen reported that he attended a Communities Advisory Council meeting. Additionally, <br /> Thuesen reported that a new member has recently been designated to the Parks Commission, but <br /> 31 currently stands as a non-voting position. It has been suggested that the Council consider <br />