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CC MINUTES 05232000
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 05232000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 23, 2000 <br /> • Page 11 <br /> 1 making that particular position a voting position and Thuesen would like the opportunity to <br /> 2 discuss this in further detail at another regular Council meeting or worksession. <br /> 3 Cavanaugh-suggested-that-Thuesen-speak-with City-Manager-Michael-Momson-about-putting <br /> 4 that issue on the agenda for a Council meeting. <br /> 5 Sparks reported that she attended a meeting on the Community Prevention Coalition for Safe and <br /> 6 Affordable Housing. This organization is putting together a calendar of events for youth over the <br /> 7 summer. <br /> 8 Sparks mentioned that she had provided a memo to City Manager Michael Mornson and copied <br /> 9 the Council regarding consideration of a communication task force to draft a plan. Sparks had as <br /> 10 a reference a copy of a plan that was drafted a few years ago. She will provide the Council with <br /> 11 a copy of the plan and discuss the same in the future. <br /> 12 Cavanaugh encouraged Sparks to do the research in this issue and provide that information to the <br /> 13 Council. He believed it would be beneficial to review this matter and provide some structure. <br /> Cavanaugh reported that the worksession held on May 15, 2000 during the day was a productive <br /> 01 worksession. Additionally, Cavanaugh encouraged the Councilmembers to attend the League <br /> 16 Conference coming up in June. <br /> 17 Cavanaugh reported that he had attended the Communities Prevention Coalition meeting on Safe <br /> 18 and Affordable Housing and was impressed to see how many youth were participating in the <br /> 19 planning. Additionally, he was impressed with the participation of the youth in the upcoming <br /> 20 VillageFest celebration. <br /> 21 Cavanaugh announced that the open house to be held on May 30, 2000 is the first of many steps <br /> 22 in having town meetings and open houses. He noted that Shoreview had an open house recently <br /> 23 and the City was pleasantly surprised at the community response. <br /> 24 Furthermore, Cavanaugh reported that the Kiwanis organization held a bike ride to raise funds <br /> 25 for the food shelter. The event was successful and Cavanaugh was impressed at the outreach the <br /> 26 Kiwanis has for the community. He announced that the Kiwanis had sold subsidized bike <br /> 27 helmets for $5.00 and the helmets were of high quality. Additionally,this was the first event that <br /> 28 the City's new bike patrol had attended and Cavanaugh stated that he received positive feedback <br /> 29 about having law enforcement on bikes. <br /> 30 Cavanaugh reviewed for the audience and community that the Council had just held a joint meet- <br /> 46 1 ing with the School Board that evening (May 23, 2000), and the main.focus of the discussions <br /> centered around the Central Park rehabilitation. <br />
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