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1 Planning Commission Minutes <br /> 2 April 19, 1994 • <br /> 3 Page 2 <br /> 4 <br /> 5 setback. Mr. Hamer noted that this is not a pre-determined variance by the City Council as <br /> 6 is being rumored. Mr. Mercil had requested a five foot setback off the back property line and <br /> 7 23 feet from front property line. Mr. Mercil did not receive the results of his survey until <br /> 8 after the initial variance had been granted. This survey shoved that the City owns a 66 foot <br /> 9 right-of-way rather than a 60 foot, and all of it is on his side. His house would, based on this, <br /> 10 be set five feet from his property line, which would result in 9 feet to his neighbor's house. <br /> 11 Mr. Mercil, due to being at risk of losing his financing, put in the foundation, with the <br /> 12 Council's approval, with the written statement that he would remove it if the variance is not <br /> 13 granted. The house right now is sitting at a 23 foot setback which was granted at the last <br /> 14_ variance. The request is 8 feet, which brings it 15 feet to the property line. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Commissioner Faust asked how this differs from the previous request. The Interim City <br /> 17 Manager stated that the garage was the last variance request. The change in the variance <br /> 18 request is due to the change in the 6 feet of right-of-way, which would put the house closer <br /> 19 to the neighboring house. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Mr. Mercil addressed the Commissioners, stating that what was requested the last time <br /> 22 turned out not to be the case and he believes that all the Commissioners are familiar with the <br /> 23 story. The problem occurred when the survey came back at the time they were ready to <br /> 24 begin building, and he was in danger of losing his financing. The Mercils approached the <br /> 25 City Council to request changing the variance. The City Council stated the Mercil's would <br /> 26 have to re-apply for the variance. The Mercils are doing this now, but due to time <br /> 27 constraints, they have had to put in the full foundation, which has been done in accordance <br /> 28 with the 23 feet of the original variance. This will be removed if the variance is not granted. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Mr. Mercil produced two pictures which were presented to the Commission members which <br /> 31 showed markings between his home and the south house on the current variance. It would <br /> 32 be close enough to present a drainage problem and would produce more of an "inner city" <br /> 33 rather than suburban appearance. Moving the house 9 feet away (the current request) would <br /> 34 resolve the drainage and appearance problems. Mr. Mercil showed two more pictures to <br /> 35 Commission members. Measurements were taken on the other two sides and they have <br /> 36 looked at the homes on the west and east. The City has restricted the Mercils to having the <br /> 37 garage facing Townview,which leaves them with no back yard, so the house was designed <br /> 38 to use the side yard as part of the back yard. Tucking the garage under and extending it out <br /> 39 an additional eight feet, they gain a full garage. Putting the garage on the left side of the <br /> 40 home would have eliminated any possible side yard on the lot. If the garage had to be placed <br /> 41 on that,side,the lot would have been unusable for their home. Mr. Mercil passed three more <br /> 42 pictures to Commission members showing that the other homes approximately line up. Also <br /> 43 included was a picture of the white house to the east across Townview, showing that it is <br /> 44 closer to the Townview street than his whole project. Also, if the proposed home had been • <br /> 45 located without the new variance, they would not have had to touch the little yellow house <br />