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CC PACKET 04261994
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CC PACKET 04261994
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CC PACKET 04261994
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1 Planning Commission Minutes <br /> April 19, 1994 <br /> 3 Page 3 <br /> 4 <br /> 5 previously on the lot. One of the pictures showed stakes indicating the lot line and the <br /> 6 previous location of the little yellow house. Mr. Mercil wishes to build in a manner to <br /> 7 enhance the community. He welcomed any questions by the Commissioners. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Commissioner Makowske asked Mr. Mercil if relocating the house according to the new <br /> 10 variance request would alleviate the drainage problem. Mr. Mercil stated that by moving the <br /> 11 house they would be able to drain adequately down their own property. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Commissioner Horst requested clarification that the original variance was to move the house <br /> 14 forward on the lot, and the current variance request was to move the house north 8 feet, and <br /> 15 requested what difference in space this would make. Mr. Mercil answered that the previous <br /> 16 distance between houses was 9 feet, and this variance would make that distance 17 feet. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Chair Gondorchin asked if there were any opposing questions. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Mr. Earl H. Dahl, 2920 Townview, asked why the new survey changes the old one. Chair <br /> 21 Gondorchin asked Mr. Mercil for clarification between the old and new surveys. Mr. Mercil <br /> 22 said two of the markers had been found by the surveyor. Mr. Dahl stated that his house, <br /> according to the new survey, is not 7 feet from the lot line. Interim City Manager Hamer <br /> 4 stated that in the 40's to early 50's,when Mr. Dahl's house was built,the City did not receive <br /> 25 surveys on the houses, so the City doesn't have anything to compare the current survey to. <br /> 26 Mr. Dahl stated that if he tried to claim his full 68 feet of lot,he'd cut into his next neighbor's <br /> 2 7 property. Mr. Hamer stated that the surveying company can redo the survey to explain the <br /> 28 differences or find any mistakes. The surveys are certified, and clearing up difficulties <br /> 29 should be part of that fee. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Commissioner Faust stated that the survey could very well be accurate, but that the builders, <br /> 32 while craftsmen, weren't necessarily accurate at placement of the building on the lot. Mr. <br /> 33 Dahl stated that back then there wasn't even a street. Mr. Faust suspects that Mr. Dahl still <br /> 34 has the proper lot size, but that-the house is simply misplaced on the lot. He suspects that <br /> 35 the builders told Mr. Dahl his house was 7 feet from the lot line when it was really 5 feet. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Mr. Dahl asked where the survey starting point was. Mr. Hamer asked Mr. Mercil where the <br /> 38 markers were found, and Mr. Mercil agreed with Mr. Hamer that he believes they were the <br /> 39 markers next to Silver Lake Road. Mr. Hamer said that typically surveyors need to do the <br /> 40 entire block when they do a survey. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Mr. John Mudek,2916 Townview, stated he is concerned about the salability of Mr. Dahl's <br /> 43 home in the future, although this does not directly affect him. Mr. Dahl's lot line is now on <br /> his sidewalk. Although this does not affect Mr. Mudek directly, he feels the Planning <br />
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