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Planning Commission Regular Meeting 7\4inutes <br /> September 20, 1994 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 VI. MISCELLANEOUS. <br /> 2 A. Variances <br /> 3 City Manager Mornson explained that he had included this section of the code to furnish the <br /> 4 members with a basis upon which to guide them in their decisions regarding granting of <br /> 5 variances. He stated that the items under Subd. 3. in the code are the most important to establish <br /> 6 and he will include this page of the code in the Planning Commission's packet each time there is <br /> 7 a variance public hearing to assure the four criteria established by State Statute are properly <br /> 8 addressed. <br /> 9 B. Redevelopment Plan- 3111 Silver Lake Road. <br /> 10 In his staff report, City Manager Mornson explained that the goal of the HRA is to improve the <br /> 11 housing stock and increase housing.evaluation. He noted that Minnesota State Statute 469.028 <br /> 12 requires an application by the HRA with a redevelopment plan. The process for the <br /> 13 redevelopment of 3111 Silver Lake Road has been as follows: <br /> 14 1. HRA applies and receives authorization to proceed from the City Council -August 23rd. <br /> 05 2. Planning Commission receives Redevelopment Plan for its study and approval. A written <br /> 6 opinion from the Planning Commission is necessary within 30 days - September 20th. <br /> 17 3. Need copy of Redevelopment Plan for Council and Planning Commission. A statement <br /> 18 of proposed financing in Plan with a written opinion of a Planning agency. <br /> 19 4. Before approving any Redevelopment Plan, the Council must hold a public hearing on <br /> 20 the Redevelopment Plan- October 11 th. <br /> 21 5. Close on the property any time after October 11 th. <br /> 22 6. After closing, request proposals from developers to acquire property from City with <br /> 23 conditions to demolish and then to construct a house valued at$125,000(includes lot) - <br /> 24 November 30, 1994, 10:00 A.M. <br /> 25 City Manager Morrison explained the financing for redevelopment and introduced photographs <br /> 26 of the property for the Planning Commission's review. <br /> 27 Commissioner Faust questioned the stated "years to pay back" figure in the financial statement <br /> 28 provided by City Manager Morrison. He believes that it will take more time to reimburse the <br /> 29 City for funding of the Redevelopment project since only about 18%of the total tax bill goes to <br /> 30 the City. <br /> 31 City Manager Mornson explained that the pay back figure includes the total tax bill. He stated <br /> 32 that he will check the figure in question to determine the City's pay back date. He reiterated that <br /> the main objective of the Redevelopment program is to upgrade the city house stock, control <br /> 40 redevelopment and increase valuation of the community. <br />