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A medium or moderate level of involvement would occur if - the City • <br /> decided to add some of its own items of work to the contract . Typical <br /> examples of this would be replacing aging or inadequate sewer and water <br /> lines, adding more hydrants for fire protection or adding a new <br /> sidewalk along the east side of the project . The City would be <br /> responsible for the costs of their improvements . However, the County <br /> would provide some cost sharing on related items of work. An example of <br /> this would be; ,A new sidewalk on the east side may likely require a <br /> retaining wall along the steep slopes near the apartment complex to the <br /> north of the bridges . As the sidewalk work was included in the County' s <br /> project, the County would share in the cost of the retaining wall in <br /> accordance with the . County' s Cost Participation Policy (copy Provided) . <br /> Public contacts, plans ands specifications and hearings required of the <br /> City portions of work. would be included and supported in the County' s <br /> similar tasks . <br /> A high level of involvement would occur if the City decided .to do a <br /> "streetscaping" project along with the County' s bridge replacement and <br /> rehabilitation project . Streetscaping may include items such as <br /> Decorative surfacing on sidewalks and median surfaces, decorative <br /> lighting, landscaping, City signs or logos on or adjacent to the new <br /> bridge . Several Cities have been taking advantage of this approach <br /> under County projects . Some Cities -have combined efforts with adjacent <br /> businesses on streetscaping projects as a method of stimulating <br /> additional economic development. City costs would be significant for <br /> this level but there would be cost sharing available on some of the <br /> items . Public and business contacts could be accomplished along with <br /> the County' s public involvement and items of work would be accomplished <br /> under the County' s contract . <br /> In closing, I would repeat that the level of City involvement is pretty <br /> much what the City would like it to be . The County simply asks that the <br /> level of involvement by the City be such that they are comfortable with <br /> the fact that there are no remaining unresolved issues at the time the <br /> County requests City approval . <br /> I look forward to presenting this project to the St . Anthony City <br /> Council on the evening of July 9th. If you would like additional <br /> information before that time, please feel free to contact me at <br /> 482-5206 . <br /> Yours truly, <br /> David L. Rholl, P.E. <br /> Design Engineer <br />