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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 23, 1998 <br /> . Page 9 <br /> 1 A. Redevelopment of Central Park. <br /> 2 B. Redevelopment of Silver Point Park for Flood Mitigation Purposes. <br /> 3 Motion by Faust, second by Marks to open the Public Hearing. _ <br /> 4 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 5 Todd Hubmer, WSB & Associates, Inc., explained the area WSB is addressing in Central Park is <br /> 6 the area of concern on the north end. In intense storm events the water in the residential area to <br /> 7 the south flows to the north and fills the depression. The storm sewers fill up and the water <br /> 8 inundates several of the homes on the border of the park. The current storm sewer system drain <br /> 9 to the north end of the park and across Skycroft Drive. WSB proposes to remove a section of <br /> 10 that pipe and drop the park by 3-3.5 feet and construct a dry pond in that area. An open ditch of <br /> 11 approximately 1 foot wide by 10 feet long will also be constructed. This ditch will be somewhat <br /> 12 wet most of the year. These additions will allow for additional water storage and will provide <br /> 13 protection for the homes. <br /> 14 Mr. Harding asked if there would be protection around the ditch for the children. <br /> 5 Mr. Hubmer stated there will only be water in the dry pond after a heavy rain. The only area <br /> which will be wet will be the ditch. <br /> 17 Mr. Harding stated it would be natural for a child to jump into the pond to play even during a <br /> 18 rain. There needs to be protection. <br /> 19 Kathie Wolff, 3316 Skycroft, stated she was representing the School Board. She asked for <br /> 20 clarification that there would be no standing water. She asked if the proposed berm was still <br /> 21 included in the plan. <br /> 22 Mr. Hubmer noted the berm which was included in the original plan has been removed. The <br /> 23 berm did not allow the water to run down and did not allow for enough storage. He stated there <br /> 24 will not be standing water in the pond. It will drain after several hours. <br /> 25 Ken Johnson, 3510 Skycroft Drive, asked if the plan still included a walkway around the <br /> 26 northeast corner. <br /> 27 Mr. Hubmer explained that there is a walkway proposed as part of the park plan which could be <br /> 28 routed to the other side of the pond. This would have to be discussed with the Park Commission. <br /> 29 Mr. Johnson stated that the original park plan looked much different. The water holding pond _ <br /> 30 had not been immediately adjacent to the property owners and homes in this area. He had been <br /> told that there would be fifty feet between the fence and the water holding area. He noted that <br /> 0 some of the homes in this area have a high water table to begin with and asked if this would <br /> 33 affect the water table. <br />