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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 23, 1998 • <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 Mr. Warner noted that Robodyne has forty employees who would shop in the center. <br /> -2 Thuesen stated that one thing the shopping center tenants had stressed was the decrease in traffic <br /> 3 with the closing of the Town and Country. There may be some increase in the retail traffic from <br /> 4 Robodyne but long-term this will not provide the traffic that they need. He stated that five years <br /> '5 is quite a long commitment when the City is still trying to determine the best use of the area. <br /> 6 Mr. Warner explained that the Planning Commission had asked the Management-Assistant the <br /> 7 time frame for a response from the Planning Consultant. She had anticipated that it would be <br /> 8 five to ten years before redevelopment would occur. <br /> 9 Motion by Thuesen, second by Marks, to deny a Conditional Permit for Krause/Anderson based <br /> 10 on the following: <br /> 11 1. The City is in the process of hiring a planning consultant to determine the highest and <br /> 12 best use of the property. It is still too early to lock-out retail. <br /> 13 2. Light-industrial use is not compatible with retail use. <br /> 14 3. The shopping center is still predominantly retail, not industrial, and the industrial use <br /> 15 would have an adverse impact on the general welfare and value to the retail sector. <br /> 16 Marks stated the City does have a Comprehensive Planwhich specifies this as a retail- <br /> 17 commercial area and redevelopment has been based on that land use precedent. It is critical for a <br /> 18 retail use to have a certain mass of stores and amount of traffic. It is inappropriate at this point to <br /> 19 allow a change. The City would like to find another location for Robodyne in St. Anthony. It is <br /> 20 desirable to keep Robodyne in St. Anthony, this is just not the right location. <br /> 21 Thuesen stated he appreciated Robodyne as a business and it would be a shame to lose them,but <br /> 22 the City has to stay the course it has planned. <br /> 23 Cavanaugh stated he has a lot of respect for Krause/Anderson and what they are trying to do. He <br /> 24 hoped that the City could revisit the retail issue with them and continue the communication. . <br /> 25 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 26- Commissioner Makowske reported there was a concept review of a proposed garage at the <br /> 27 Planning Commission which will be before the Council next month. He also reported that the <br /> 28 Commission has scheduled a work session for July 16 at 6:00 P.M. to discuss implementation of - <br /> 29 the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 3. Discussion of Planning Consultant for St. Anthony Shopping Center. <br /> 32 Commissioner Makowske did not provide a report on this item. <br /> 33 VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS. . <br />