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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 8, 1998 • <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 at the north end of the park and 9 feet at the south end. He added the soil configuration in the <br /> 2 park is tight clay which does not allow water to travel through it, so the excavation <br /> 3 process will be easier: <br /> 4 Mayor Ranallo suggested a public information meeting to discuss the parks. He suggested <br /> 5 October 13 Council meeting, instead of expecting the Parks Commission to field all questions. . <br /> 6 Motion by Thuesen, second by Faust to approve Resolution 98-069,to approve plans and <br /> 7 specifications and order advertisement for bids for improvements to Silver Point Park. <br /> 8 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 9 C. Review concept plan for home buyout area, St. Anthony Boulevard and Pahl Avenue. <br /> 10 Mr. Hubmer presented two depictions of cross sections for the storm water ponding areas to be <br /> 11 constructed at the home buyout locations. He stated the pond depths would be 6-8 feet. He <br /> 12 stated the ponds would have sloping sides and flat bottoms with landscaping and other amenities <br /> 13 yet to be determined within the ponding area. He added the Parks Commission might wish to <br /> 14 become involved as it is an opportunity for green space. <br /> 15 Cavanaughex ressed his unease with the project as the time gets closer to di the holes. He • <br /> P P J g gig <br /> 16 stated he had understood there had been discussion about such a pond at the Town`N' Country <br /> 17 location, and requested an update on that. <br /> 18 Mr.Hubmer stated that possibility was researched and found to be prohibitively expensive since <br /> 19 it is commercial property. He noted its great distance from the flooding areas. Cavanaugh asked <br /> 20 whether a cost estimate for that will be available for the September 13 meeting for consideration, <br /> 21 as it might diminish the need for the home buyouts. Cavanaugh added he wished to see that <br /> 22 option pursued. Mr. Hubmer confirmed there would be an estimate. <br /> 23 Thuesen stated residents had expressed concern with regard to liability issues and fencing ofthe <br /> 24 ponds. Mr. Hubmer agreed fencing is an issue,and most communities with ponding do not fence <br /> 25 them because of maintenance issues and aesthetic reasons,as well as the obstacle which fences <br /> 26 present to rescue vehicles in case of emergency. He added lakes are also storm water receptacles, <br /> 27 but communities elect not to fence them. <br /> 28 Thuesen asked how long the storm water ponds take to fill. Mr.Hubmer stated the ponds would <br /> 29 fill within an hour or two,and the ponds will drain within 6-8 hours of rain cessation. <br /> 30 Mr. Jacobs stated with regard to the grant program, he would appreciate an explanation <br /> 31 in writing as to why his grant application was rejected._ Mr. Hubmer stated letters were <br /> currently being sent to all residents who applied to the grant program. • . <br />