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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 8, 1998 <br /> • Page 7 <br /> 1 Mr. Hubmer presented the final plans for Silver Point and Central Parks to the Council. He <br /> . 2. showed depictions of 2 areas_within Silver Point Park'. The first is a storm water storage area at <br /> 3 the north end, which will be a dryarea of the park except after flooding when 3-5 feet of water <br /> 4 will drawn down into the area for 6-10 hours. The purpose of this area is to protect residents <br /> 5 along the north side of the park, which were flooded in July. <br /> 6 He added also shown is the proposed location for the stockpiling of material excavated from <br /> 7 Central Park. He stated the purpose of this proposed stockpile is the lower cost of excavation <br /> 8 and storage. The stockpile would be,80,000 yards of material, approximately 20 feet high. <br /> 9 Cavanaugh asked if the Parks Commission had approved this stockpiling of material. Mr. <br /> 10 Hubmer stated this issue will be presented to them Monday, September 14. He added he had <br /> 11 attempted to schedule a Parks Commission meeting prior to this Council meeting,but conflicts <br /> 12 arose. <br /> 13 Mayor Ranallo questioned the timeframe for gaining the necessary approval. Mr. Morrison <br /> 14 stated the date for final approval has been determined as October 7; bids will be considered by <br /> 15 October 13, which gives the Parks Commission 2 more meetings to discuss the issue. <br /> •6 Cavanaugh expressed concern that the Parks Commission needs more time and perhaps a <br /> 17 delayed decision, as requested by Carol Jindra at the last Council meeting. Mayor Ranallo <br /> 18 agreed that the Parks Commission should not be rushed in their decision. He added the Council <br /> 19 meets again September 22 and he would prefer to delay decision until then. <br /> 20 Mr. Hubmer expressed his concern that if the bid date is delayed,the City will lose potential bids <br /> 21 for November/December and will otherwise have to wait,until May/June,which will be more of <br /> 22 a disruption to the community. He added the configurations of the holding pond and stockpile <br /> 23 are the important decisions,and alternative layouts proposed will not alter the bids dramatically. <br /> 24 Thuesen stated he understands Cavanaugh's concern, but believes the Council has demonstrated <br /> 25 its trust in the Parks Commission and the timeliness of these decisions is of great importance. <br /> 26 Edna Fehr, 3008 -29th Avenue NE,expressed concern over the methods which will be used to <br /> 27 move dirt into Silver Point Park. She stated her property as well as that of other homes adjacent <br /> 28 to the park will be ruined by trucks hauling dirt through the parking lot. <br /> 29 Mr. Hubmer stated a possible alternative would be to bring the dirt in trucks off Highway 88 into <br /> 30 the park. He added there will be flagmen present, and speed will be limited, considering the high <br /> 31 traffic levels on 29th Avenue. <br /> •2 Tom Nelson, 2840 Silver Lake Road, asked whether WSB has taken soil samples from Silver <br /> 33 Point Park to determined the depth of the water table. Mr. Hubmer stated the water table is 6 feet <br />